View Full Version : Spouse Visa July Applications - Processing Times

10th September 2012, 10:25
Hi All

Just some information that may be useful, my wife and step daughter have applied for a spouse visa 8 weeks ago. I recently asked my MP why the processing time was so long.

They contacted the embassy and were told it is a 3-4 month processing time for July applications

If anyone has had a decision from a July application will they reply and to anyone else waiting I guess we have just got to be patient


10th September 2012, 10:30
Yes. It can take up to 3 months. Some take a few days. It seems to be a bit of a lottery on elapsed processing time.

Take a look at this link.


Tap in Manila Philippines.

88% of all July decisions for settlement visas took 40 working days ( 8 weeks ). 98% took 12 weeks.

10th September 2012, 12:27
I mentioned this to them and they said June figures are just an indication and it is actually 3-4 months for July.

I kind of expected this as the new rule changes have come into force, it is this governments stated policy to reduce immigration so I cannot see things getting any easier

10th September 2012, 12:42
I mentioned this to them and they said June figures are just an indication and it is actually 3-4 months for July.

I kind of expected this as the new rule changes have come into force, it is this governments stated policy to reduce immigration so I cannot see things getting any easier

Over the course of time, month on month, it does indeed vary. I know of a couple of cases where it took 1 day. Ours took 2 weeks. Some have taken a couple of months. Varies so much and with no obvious reason.

I think we have had a few on here recently who applied after the changes and have got their visas, taking approximately 8 weeks. No doubt you will get feedback from them soon.

10th September 2012, 13:39
Hi Lastlid

It would be fantastic if it did take 8 weeks, but my pessimistic side thinks that with the new changes then processing times will indeed increase.

It would be great if anyone who has had a visa processed since the new changes came into place (9th July) would reply to this thread.

In my case the problem is my wife is nearly 4 months pregnant with my child so if we do not find out soon she may be unable to fly

Do you or anyone know if it is possible to have my application expedited because of this, and if so how?


10th September 2012, 14:03
Hello Stevek....you might hear from them sooner i guess....i lodge mine last July 20 and i got a message from them last Aug 31 telling me my visa will be dispatched shortly and upon looking at my visa it is valid from Aug.15 so obviously they made a decision quickly but it took them 15 days b4 informing us....good luck to your wife's application

10th September 2012, 15:28
Thanks Leen

Did you apply July 2012 ?

10th September 2012, 19:30
I posted my application: Juy 2012 and receive a confirmation letter from UKBA 3rd of August, until now I am still waiting..:rolleyes:

10th September 2012, 19:33
But then I have no idea how long the processing from Phils, and applying inside UK. I have a friend here in UK, He submitted his application last Dec 2011, until now no results yet..

11th September 2012, 03:17
Thanks Leen

Did you apply July 2012 ?

yes July 2012....you'll be fine.....just keep your fingers crossed:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th September 2012, 10:08
I submitted my spouse visa 19th July, Had my email to say documents are being sent back This Tuesday 11th Sept. I also had to submit extra documents at the beginning of Sept which delayed it around 5 days :)

14th September 2012, 18:40
Really we put in Paperwork April got refusal on the ground we supplied no evidence of a forthcoming marriage... Letter stating we intended to be married in August. Pics of me with Family... Photos of Engagement rings with recipes made no difference. So appealed still, got told docs transferred to Leicester,no joy. Now told paperwork been given back to Manila, and we won't know about a hearing until Jan. :yikes: Any one know how long we should have to wait? We were told whole process should take less than three months.... Jan will be 9 months? Is this reasonable? :Help1:

15th September 2012, 12:16
sad to hear that Stuart...:NoNo: