View Full Version : next step after applying for cni

10th September 2012, 16:04
im aware that i have to contact the british embassy in manila ' can anyone shed some light who has gone through this process is it stress free'' what actually happens in the embassy how do i contact the embassy via phone or email..... im going to be applying next month how long also does it take the cni to arrive from local register office thanks very much

10th September 2012, 18:24
You can make an appointment online before you go. I arranged mine for the day after I arrived and it was all sorted on the same day.
Dont forget it takes 22 days to obtain your CNI in the UK.

10th September 2012, 19:15
like what bigmacro said you can contact them through email. You will receive your local cni from your local registry 21 days after you applied. Getting or Exchanging your local cni here in the Philippines is stress free..

10th September 2012, 19:48
Exchanging CNI. Because we went through this over a year ago the arrangement was slightly different but it was essentially the same and was stress free. Once in the embassy, after security, we just sat down and waited out turn. Fairly straight forward.

The only stress was getting there in time as the traffic in the area was so heavy.

11th September 2012, 08:40
No offence intended but it seems to me you may greatly benefit by doing some searching here in the forum about getting married /weddings in the Philippines.
Not that it's very complicated, but there are a number of specific steps to take and a number of specific documents to secure. There's also some key documents that you will need to take with.
There's a lot at stake and it's a much better experience when you've gained a good awareness of the overall picture and understand how everything links together.

Good luck

11th September 2012, 17:37
i have just been doing some seaching terpe many thanks '

11th September 2012, 17:40
thanks big marco and other posters would i ned to include much relevant information about myself in my email to the embassy ' thee will obviously be some type of refference number on the uk issued cni my name and adress can someone give me some tips on the way i should approach the embassy in my email thanks

11th September 2012, 17:48
the 22 days is that just classed as buisness days or does it include weekends i shall be contacting my local register office to put my mind at ease

11th September 2012, 17:56
Just a straight forward email.
Dear Sirs I will be arriving in Manila on the ......and would like to arrange an appointment to change my UK CNI into a local one. I would be obliged if you would kindly arrange an appointment as soon as possible after I arrive.
I look forward to hearing from you.