View Full Version : hi i'm mira i am from philippines

12th September 2012, 11:12
I live in dublin currently but my eu husband found new job in belfast uk..is there any possibility that i can go with him also there and stay?do i need to apply uk visa?i dont have residency card yet in here coz we are waiting for it and it takes 6 months before i have it but he is now working in belfast..any one knows what should i do?i need help tnx..

12th September 2012, 11:27
What nationality is your husband?
It may be possible to apply for family permit to join him in UK

Look here for EEA family permits (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit)

12th September 2012, 11:51
he is polish

12th September 2012, 11:57
Apply for Family Permit.
Follow the link I posted before

12th September 2012, 12:01
can i apply it in dublin while my husband is workin in northern ireland belfast or he is the one to apply it for me directly in belfast?tnx so much

12th September 2012, 12:39
by the way i have one more question,can i apply family permit even i am not holder of residency card yet here in ireland?tnx

12th September 2012, 12:50
Ah I see. Do you have an EEA residence card?

Technically if you travel together with your passports,original marriage certificate and FP by land you should be admitted without problems.
You can apply for UK residence from there.
There's always a small chance that you may face some questions but you should be OK.

The alternative is to secure a FP for UK before you travel. Especially if you cannot travel together.
Just complete the form and submit in Dublin.
Don't be concerned about all the questions on the form, just be honest, the answers will not impact on the issue of FP anyway. Legally you are entitled to it as long as you can show that you are cohabiting.

12th September 2012, 12:53
You are the one who will be making applications since you are the non-EEA member.

Sorry I missed that you have no residence card.

To minimise issues better to try and travel together.
Or just apply the FP in Dublin as I mentioned previously.

15th September 2012, 19:23
sorry late replay, i am not holder of residency card yet coz i am waiting for it, it takes up to 6 months approval but i need to move from ireland to uk coz my husband working there for almost 3 months now. do we need to pay when i apply family permit?just wanna know..thanks!!

16th September 2012, 08:25
There's no fee Mira, it's all free.

16th September 2012, 09:02
ahh ok thanks! coz he is just new in uk,i thought we need to pay for my fp. how long it takes to approve family permit in my situattion?can i leave ireland without informing the immigration here that i will move to uk?

16th September 2012, 10:10
ahh ok thanks! coz he is just new in uk,i thought we need to pay for my fp. how long it takes to approve family permit in my situattion?can i leave ireland without informing the immigration here that i will move to uk?

See my post #7 above :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2012, 18:41
hi terpe i have some questions to you,do i need to apply FP in online or print FP form print it and fill it ?coz i started to apply it now online but it looks different form so i stop it.

19th September 2012, 08:30
hi terpe i have some questions to you,do i need to apply FP in online or print FP form print it and fill it ?coz i started to apply it now online but it looks different form so i stop it.

Mira take a look at the UKBA webpage How to apply for an EEA family permit (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit/applying)

Scroll down the page and look under 'More Information' then to the heading 'Should you apply online or complete an application form on paper?'


15th October 2012, 09:32
hello terpe,

i have EEA fp already now thank you so much for all the info,and i am now in northern ireland belfast.
i have follow up questions.. me and my hubby planning to visit to my sister in netherlands for few days can i used this EEA FP to go there?or i need to apply visa first to enter netherlands..

and is fp allow me to apply some work here?where should i ask if i can go apply work in here also?tnx again:)

15th October 2012, 09:41
hello terpe,

i have EE fp already tnx for all the info..by the way me and my hubby planned to go to netherlands to visist my sis there,can i used this permit to travel outside uk?please i need some info if you know.tnx again:)

15th October 2012, 17:44
hello terpe,

i have EE fp already tnx for all the info..by the way me and my hubby planned to go to netherlands to visist my sis there,can i used this permit to travel outside uk?please i need some info if you know.tnx again:)

Hello Mira,
Glad to hear all went well and you are now in NI

Just out of interest did you have any questions at the border? or was everything very relaxed?

That Family permit allows you full rights in UK to live and to work without restrictions.
You may find some difficulties though in providing sufficient documentation to prove to employers your right to work.

Do you still have your passport??

Bear in mind your best next step is to apply for your residence card (EEA2 application). You don't have to but in my experience in can really help you in many ways.
One of those ways is travel to Europe.

Whilst technically it's legal for you to cross border travel so very many folks have found it just too much hassle, effort and trouble without a residence card.
The other scenario is when attempting to return to UK you could find significant problems with UKBA immigration officers.

Mira, before travel to Europe, personally I strongly suggest you wait until you have that residence card or at least a letter from the Home Office confirming that you have made application and allowing you to travel and work.(they will do this is you ask them)

18th October 2012, 20:29
terpe sorry late rply coz i was busy,thank u so much again for all your info it helps me alot,actually when i was applying my fp it was very ok,and now i was ask the national insurance to make an appoinment for me to have an insurance number and they gave me an appoinment date.actually we are planning to visit my sis to attend natal day of my nephew but i need to get visa coz i dont have EEa2..so your right i need to Apply EEa2,but we are planing to visit in poland also on xmas but polish consulate ask my passport to process my schengen visa and it takes 1 month..is there any problem when i have it and then back in uk?
coz after we go poland thats the time that i will apply residence permit..it is a start of my journey here its kinda alot of paper works but its ok at the end it will be worth it..

what are the requirements for me to get job here is my passport and national number enough?
by the way if i have already residence permit do i need still renew my fp?
thanks again you help me alot god bless you always your such an angel:)

18th October 2012, 21:13
You don't need to renew Family Permit, in fact it's not actually possible.
The very important is the Residence Card.
For those who already applied they will receive a Certificate of Application (COA) which in principle is meant to prove your status.

Without either COA or resident card you will face some significant challenges to travel outside of UK and major issue when you try to re-enter UK.

I would very strongly suggest you contact UKBA to explain your circumstances and that you wish to travel to Poland and ask how they can help you.

Application of Residence Card is currently taking up to 6 months to process.

Please contact UKBA for advice before making travel plans with Residence Card or COA