View Full Version : Discrimination

13th September 2012, 14:57
Hi guys just been speaking to my immigration lawyer about my wifes upcoming spouse visa application she has told me that all supporting evidence is fine and the visa application should go smoothly then I asked her about the chance of success and she put it at about 80% I then further queried this and said if all documents are fine then why 80% she said basically because she is a filipina and even though people are not allowed to discriminate sometimes they do I find this disgusting as you all know on here that filipina women are the most beautiful kind hearted sincere women on the planet and surely they should not get away with this for gods sake my wife is 20 weeks pregnant with a top university degree grrr this makes me so mad:cwm23: any feedback guys is very much appreciated thanks for reading my post...

13th September 2012, 15:03
Under the old rules, evidently 80% would have been a bit pessimistic. I can't recall the exact stats but the success rate was considerably higher than that? Cant think why it would be different under the new rules as long as the applicant meets the requirements.

13th September 2012, 15:06
Well look, let's be honest here, Immigration is a racist and discriminatory procedure of identifying which individuals are most suitable to enter a country. Of course an application from a Filipina would be weighed more carefully then one from an American for instance.

Without immigration controls, the countries public services and welfare system would be overloaded. As unfair and difficult as the process seems, it is there for good reason.

13th September 2012, 15:15
I agree with you totally about the discrimination aspect.

Unfortunately, as the Philippines is regarded as a 3rd world (or to use the new politically-correct term...'developing') country, all visa applicants are tarred with the same brush...ie, likely to be 'seeking economic advantage'.

Thus they (Filipinos) are treated in exactly the same way as an illiterate currently residing under a bridge in Bangladesh, or in a mud hut in the Central African Republic. :NoNo:

Of course any criminal from the EU...rapists, bank robbers etc can enter the country unimpeded.
Similarly, an asylum seeker with a good story and who has managed to con some stupid gullible bint here into having his child...yes, welcome to our country. Here is your benefit claim form and (priority) housing form. :angry:

But, that is the policy that the great unwashed British public have decided is acceptable.

Keeping up with what's happening on Coronation Street and supporting campaigns to keep feckless illegals from being deported is far more important than protecting the rights of British citizens to marry whomsoever they wish. :rolleyes:

13th September 2012, 17:26
Well said graham could not agree more:)

13th September 2012, 18:22
Well look, let's be honest here, Immigration is a racist and discriminatory procedure of identifying which individuals are most suitable to enter a country. Of course an application from a Filipina would be weighed more carefully then one from an American for instance.

Without immigration controls, the countries public services and welfare system would be overloaded. As unfair and difficult as the process seems, it is there for good reason. Totally agree...yes, we have many undesirables enter our country illegally then end up staying on legal grounds...really that beggers belief.

All said and done two wrongs dont make a right...like its been said, immigration control is there for a reason.

13th September 2012, 18:42
partners and children should be excluded from immigration controls, it should be your legal right as a British Citizen that you can live as a family.

13th September 2012, 18:44
Nobody is more for immigration controls than I am...to keep unwanted scum out.

It is the inflexibility of the system that is all wrong...language test for Filipinas for instance.

What utter nonsense. :NoNo:

The government just doesn't have the guts to admit that it is overwhelmingly immigrants from Jamaica (drug dealers and gangsters), Africa (con-men, fraudsters and child abusers) and the Indian Sub-Continent (muslims and other people with no intention of integrating into our society; terrorists and assorted cheats and fraudsters, plus those who have zero command of the English language), by comparison Filipinas are likely to be model British citizens, contributing positively in every way to our EXISTING society and generally accepted way of life.

13th September 2012, 19:24
Let's be honest, the UK is beyond fixing. I really think that in my children's generation they will see the demise of the UK.

13th September 2012, 19:36
Sadly, you're probably right....all part of a gradual slide.

No wonder my step-daughter is bound for New York next week, to start her first job, and my son has just gone to Sweden to start his university education. :cwm3: