View Full Version : Online Application time validity?

18th September 2012, 15:44
When my wife completes the VAF4A online and gets the reference number, does anyone know if this has an expiry date, i.e. is there a timeframe that she needs to book the VFS appointment by?

We will want to complete this in mid December and apply for the appointment for early Feb as this fits in with my flights/visits when we can do it together. If it expires we will have to come up with (yet another) different plan.


18th September 2012, 15:52
I seem to remember that there is one. But sadly I have forgotten the duration. Its been a year now. And could easily have changed in that time.

18th September 2012, 16:02
Hey, when I applied for a tourist visa a few months ago, I had to re-book my appointment and re-do my application because the people at VFS said my form was valid only for a month after filling it up. There was a part in my application form where it shows when I filled it up so they saw it.

I'm not sure if it's the same for the type of application you are applying for. It may be best to call them for advice. Rules constantly change :P

Good luck :)

18th September 2012, 16:12

I expected it to expire so not surprised. Will have to submit it mid Jan then, hopefully the VFS time slots will still be available as we need to book the flights to Manila in advance and for peace of mind we will use the VIP service which seems a little more flexible.

Onwards and upwards!

18th September 2012, 16:56
I have read all the paperwork on this and filled out this form bot not submitted it. As long as i keep logging on within 7 days on last logging on the form will be kept open, once you submit the form you have 30 days to have the appointment or it will be erased. If you have printed the form off it does not matter, you will have to fill it in again and submit again.

18th September 2012, 17:11

I thought about this, going in and amending an item just to keep it 'ticking over'.