View Full Version : hi everyone,wanna introduce myself:)

21st September 2012, 12:07
hello guys,been member here few hours ago,i joined this site coz i find this a very helpful site,im engaged to my bf from kent and get married next month.cant wait!!after the wedding visa is the next thing in the plan,im so worried coz my bf doesnt earn that much,he renting a flat,he earns 1200 pounds monthly.he dont have savings.he told me he will start to save when he gets back after out wedding..

21st September 2012, 12:21
if he dont have savings -whats going to pay for wedding?

21st September 2012, 12:27
Welcome to the forum love! xxx

21st September 2012, 12:38
welcome to the forum :) :Hellooo: best wishes in advance...
Regarding the financial requirements for your visa your husband must meet the £18,600 income. If he meets the financial requirements doesn't need to bother to think about the savings.

21st September 2012, 13:22
well my calculator says 1200x12 is 14400 so have to find 4200 somewhere

21st September 2012, 13:41
all stuff for the wedding are already paid,just for the visa.thanks for the reply..

21st September 2012, 13:46
thanks rhose!!even if we dont have savings as long as my husband earn the minimum earning required,we dont need to have savings to show?i heard from somebody that we should have 2000 pound savings..

21st September 2012, 13:50
welcome to the forum :) :Hellooo: best wishes in advance...
Regarding the financial requirements for your visa your husband must meet the £18,600 income. If he meets the financial requirements doesn't need to bother to think about the savings.

thanks rhose:)you mean to say if my husband meet the earning required,we dont need to have savings to show?i heard from somebody that we need to have 2000 pound for savings.thank u again

21st September 2012, 13:53
yeah,maybe he needs to do overtime more often..oh noo.anyway thank u

Eyes O'Donnell
21st September 2012, 14:05
:meet-1: welcome to our friendly forum. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and good luck with your visa application :)

21st September 2012, 15:45
Welcome to the forum. :):)

24th September 2012, 18:43
:welcomex: to the forum :)