View Full Version : Would Cameron Pass the Life in the UK Test?

28th September 2012, 06:03
"David Cameron is in Brazil where he has opened a new factory near Sao Paulo operated by the Staffordshire-based manufacturer JCB.


28th September 2012, 06:45
i dont think many from and party would pass the test at all, never mind just him,

28th September 2012, 07:31
For :censored: sake. "magna carta" is latin, he went to ETON, he had a privileged education, if he can't even remember this simplest of latin phrases................

Sometimes it's best just to keep your mouth shut and people think you're a fool, than open it and remove all doubt

28th September 2012, 08:41
No chance.

28th September 2012, 08:50
To be honest, I thought he might have known the bit about the Magna Carta.

28th September 2012, 23:51
He probably thinks "Magna Carta" is a brand of ice cream

Arthur Little
29th September 2012, 02:18
For :censored: sake. "magna carta" is latin, he went to ETON, he had a privileged education, if he can't even remember this simplest of latin phrases................

Hmph :rolleyes:... I didn't study Latin (wasn't considered "bright" enough, academically) and I suspect few of us had the privilege of attending schools remotely like Eton. But I'll wager :REGamblMoney01HL1: MOST [Brits] could correctly answer when 'Magna Carta' was signed. And yet Cameron - the man that dreamt up the :idea: of introducing such banal and topically irrelevant material to the 'Life in the UK Test' - floundered rather embarrassingly on being confronted with this most basic of historical questions.

Arthur Little
29th September 2012, 02:38
Sometimes it's best just to keep your mouth shut and people think you're a fool, than open it and remove all doubt

:iagree: ... last night being the perfect example of a case in point!

29th September 2012, 13:26
I know one test Cameron would'nt pass, that's a lie detector test:NoNo:

The turn coat according the the rags today says he will give Britons the opportunity to change the UK's relationship with the EU....note he said change and not bin.

Where have we heard this before:rolleyes:..I wouldn't trust that excuse of a leader as far as I could spit:NoNo:

Btw ....perhaps if Cameron lived in our real world....a world folks are battling for jobs and houses against the ever rising influx of new European non speaking English with no ties to our country at all, im sure he would change his tune...