View Full Version : philippine navigation

2nd October 2012, 09:30
i have just downloaded a app for phil for android phone its called navitel then i got maps from u torrent its on my phone and works

2nd October 2012, 19:41
Brilliant! I love all the mapping apps on my Android phone.

But does it need a data connection? I don't intend to have my phone on roaming when I next go to the Philippines, so I'd need to be able to view the maps offline.

I've had problems with this when using OS maps whilst mountain biking in remote areas of Wales where there's no network.

2nd October 2012, 20:03
just gps connection its voice direction to download app from google market then its a mater of loading the maps for phil then off you go i was going throu it its shows more in the citys then in the countryside as theres not much anyway my is on my samsung s2 but will work on others like ace