View Full Version : Jimmy Savile - as it happened ?

Doc Alan
2nd October 2012, 11:11
I would not normally start a thread on a topic apparently unrelated to this forum. However, those members who met here this summer may remember me pointing out one of the late Sir Jimmy Savile’s homes. He was famous for TV shows like “ Jim'll Fix It “ and “ Top Of The Pops “, and did much charity work. There is now a gold commemorative plaque on the wall of his apartment.

The steep public path leading from near his apartment to the “ Cliff Bridge “ and town centre has recently been named “ Savile’s View “. One or two forum members thought “ Angina Hill “ would have been appropriate !

A documentary tomorrow evening ( “ Exposure – ITV1, 11.10 pm, Wednesday 3 October “ ) investigates allegations that Jimmy Savile used his fame to abuse vulnerable teenage girls. No matter what the allegations are, he’s not here to defend himself, having died last year, aged 84, and is buried at Scarborough.

2nd October 2012, 13:04
We have a statue of the late Norman Wisdom on the promenade here. As a point of information. :D

2nd October 2012, 13:23
I cant say I ever took to Jimmy Savile, but Norman was an absolute star.

2nd October 2012, 13:25
I cant say I ever took to Jimmy Savile, but Norman was an absolute star.

Yeah. Funny guy. He saw out his last days here, evidently.

2nd October 2012, 13:30
but Norman was an absolute star.

what a :censored: his father was :NoNo:, fatherly love :laugher:. a brave and great man Norman was :icon_sorry:

2nd October 2012, 13:35
what a :censored: his father was :NoNo:, fatherly love :laugher:. a brave and great man Norman was :icon_sorry:

I remember watching his life story in 2010 when he died. Yep his dad was a bit of an arsenal.

Arthur Little
2nd October 2012, 15:42
The public path leading from near his apartment to the “ Cliff Bridge “ and town centre has recently been named “ Savile’s View “. One or two forum members thought “ Angina Hill “ would have been appropriate !

Why so, Alan? :Erm: ... was that the name of one of his alleged victims? :icon_sorry: if I appear to be "behind the times".

Doc Alan
2nd October 2012, 15:56
Why so, Alan? :Erm: ... was that the name of one of his alleged victims? :icon_sorry: if I appear to be "behind the times".
Not one of his alleged victims, Arthur, but there's a risk of " acute angina " climbing that hill ! :omg:

Arthur Little
2nd October 2012, 16:37
Oops ... MY mistake ... I'd misread the name as "Angelina" ... when, in fact, it was *Angina Hill. Having had occasion to climb *it during the 'Scarborough Weekend', I should've known better!

:doh ...

... blame it on my intense frustration :23_111_9[1]: at the frequent interruptions the forum has been subjected to in the past 24 hours. :cwm24:

2nd October 2012, 18:47
I just wonder why it's all only coming out now he's not here to defend himself. Just seems a bit odd.

2nd October 2012, 18:51
I just wonder why it's all only coming out now he's not here to defend himself. Just seems a bit odd.

my thought too,

2nd October 2012, 19:06
Apparently someone has reported him for rape going back decades ago
So whats the point of this if the guy is dead already........
How come they never came forward when he was alive
He cannot exactly stand trail and clear his name so how do the police proceed with a case like this :Erm:

I suppose there will be many more to come all with a different accusations

Arthur Little
2nd October 2012, 19:10
So whats the point of this if the guy is dead already........

... NONE :nono-1-1: ... other than to create a bit of journalistic, media SENSATIONALISM!

Doc Alan
2nd October 2012, 20:34
... NONE :nono-1-1: ... other than to create a bit of journalistic, media SENSATIONALISM!
If he had been alive when these new allegations were made, he might have been able to defend himself successfully, which could explain why they were not made at the time ... we may never know.
It would be good if any fees received from the media by those now claiming to have been victims were donated to the charities which he supported ( once they had paid for the counselling which they are said to need after all these years ).

2nd October 2012, 22:33
I don't normally contribute to such threads. But I feel this time I want to say something.

Thus far, these are only allegations. However strong they may seem that's all they are.
It seems so very odd to me that all manner of celebs are now coming out of the woodwork to lay credence these allegations. Where were they at the time these were made?

Personally, I have no idea if these things happened or not, but all will come out at some point.
If these allegations are true, I will feel so very sorry for all those victims who have had to wait such a long time before their horror stories can be revealed and heard.

If true, there are a lot of famous folks who must hang their heads in shame for not pursuing the facts they knew. :censored:

2nd October 2012, 23:05


11.10pm Wednesday ITV

"ITV to screen documentary claiming Jimmy Savile sexually assaulted teenage girls
Exposure programme featuring interviews with several women alleging abuse in the 1970s will air on ITV1 on 3 October"


3rd October 2012, 00:16
I must admit I was never a great fan of Jimmy Saville but always admired him for his charity work and everything he done to help out in the hospitals.

I feel it is so easy to make these sort of allegations against someone who is no longer with us especially as there is probably nobody to defend him. I treat anything like this as highly suspicious as he is quite clearly an easy target now.

I do hope that the police take these allegations seriously and carry out a thorough investigation if only to clear his name.

I will not be watching the programme as I believe it has been made to blacken the reputation of a man who in my mind is innocent of any crime until the police say otherwise.

9th October 2012, 13:42
Looks like the Savile's View street signs are being removed....


Doc Alan
9th October 2012, 17:48
Looks like the Saville's View street signs are being removed....

They have been removed.

Understandably there has been much local interest here in Scarborough.

The view which members enjoyed in the summer has been especially good in the autumn sunshine :smile:

I've just completed the 7 mile Scarborough-Filey cliff walk - and got the bus back :wink:.

9th October 2012, 17:51
They have been removed.

Understandably there has been much local interest here in Scarborough.

The view which members enjoyed in the summer has been especially good in the autumn sunshine :smile:

I've just completed the 7 mile Scarborough-Filey cliff walk - and got the bus back :wink:.

And the plaques too? I read they had been grafitted over.

9th October 2012, 18:01
I'm still not convinced!
All these cases suddenly appearing and not one of them complained when he was alive!

9th October 2012, 18:08
guilty untill proven innocent :Erm: seems to be the indication from the savile signs being dismantled

Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 18:29
They have been removed.

:anerikke: ... suppose they COULD'VE renamed it 'Jimmy Savile View' ... assuming, of course, the allegations are true ... albeit ONLY IF!

Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 19:02
I'm still not convinced!
All these cases suddenly appearing and not one of them complained when he was alive!

That's MY feeling also, Les :icon_rolleyes: ... put it this way, Esther Rantzen - a one-time supporter of Jimmy Saville's charity work and one of the celebrities interviewed - seemed quick to believe the rumours, yet she was no "saint" herself, by all accounts. :NoNo:

9th October 2012, 19:04
That's MY feeling also, Les :icon_rolleyes: ... put it this way, Esther Rantzen - a one-time supporter of Jimmy Saville's charity work and one of the celebrities interviewed, seemed quick to believe the rumours, yet she was no "saint" herself, by all accounts. :NoNo:

Was she abusing under age girls?

Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 19:15
Was she abusing under age girls?

Not to MY knowledge :nono-1-1: ... nothing unsavoury like that. But in certain other respects - according to what I've read - she was less than perfect, I'm afraid.

9th October 2012, 19:24
Interesting article on Esther Rantzen.....

"Jimmy Savile allegations: Esther Rantzen's response defies belief
How could Esther Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, possibly ignore 'green room gossip' about Jimmy Savile's alleged abuse of young girls, asks Katy Brand, in her first Paper Tiger weekly column."


Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 19:26
Anyway ... turning to more healthy topics ... WHATEVER it's now called, :iagree: with Doc Alan about it being a lovely vantage point.

And Alan ... congratulations on completing the Scarborough to Filey Cliff Walk - no mean feat, I'll wager! :biggrin: That'll certainly keep you fit! :smile:

Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 19:40
Interesting article on Esther Rantzen.....

"Jimmy Savile allegations: Esther Rantzen's response defies belief
How could Esther Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, possibly ignore 'green room gossip' about Jimmy Savile's alleged abuse of young girls, asks Katy Brand, in her first Paper Tiger weekly column."


Doesn't necessarily mean she has to believe such malicious rumours :nono-1-1:... especially when the man is DEAD and unable to defend himself!

9th October 2012, 19:45
Sod it I'm putting in a claim too saying i had a dodgy wiger and Jim fixed it for me:icon_lol:

9th October 2012, 19:59
Sod it I'm putting in a claim too saying i had a dodgy wiger and Jim fixed it for me:icon_lol:


Doc Alan
9th October 2012, 20:01
The plaque has been removed from the wall outside his apartment, and the headstone will be next (http://www.thescarboroughnews.co.uk/news/local/breaking-news-savile-s-headstone-to-come-down-1-5007277 ) . You can get an idea of local opinions from the comments with this article.

Round the clock surveillance had been required to protect the headstone from potential vandals – who don’t wait for evidence to make a guilty judgement.

The Jimmy Savile allegations have certainly raised uncomfortable questions – not just about his purported behaviour, but also how it could have gone uninvestigated for so long. It’s of national interest – although few Filipinos are likely to have heard of him, at least until recently - and the reason for starting the thread was the local interest to members who know Scarborough.

I’m not being flippant when I mentioned the autumn sunshine and my Scarborough-Filey walk. I enjoy living here and - so far - good health ! This is a great forum and members seem to appreciate my contributions on topics which I may have some expertise. “ Jimmy Savile “ is not one of those topics. Most Scarborough residents were used to seeing him around. He always appeared friendly, not just to young female teenagers. He was awarded " Freedom of the Borough " by the local council, and the Scarborough Civic Society was responsible for the plaque ( now removed ). There were unpleasant rumours, but most, like myself, were genuinely surprised to learn of the allegations which have surfaced since his death. I respect reasoned opinions from members - thank you for contributing :smile: ! There is now, however, so much coverage in the media ( mostly serious, some less so ) that I don't feel able to contribute anything more useful to this thread.

9th October 2012, 20:05
One can be sure that the victims will know if he did or didn't. What defense would he have if he were still alive and if it turned out to be many independent victims that are all alive to tell the tale?

Someone said, what good would it do now that he is dead? It might do the victims a modicum of good.

9th October 2012, 20:24
Jimmy Savile abuse claims: Police pursue 120 lines of inquiry

"Police investigating the alleged sexual abuse of girls by the late Sir Jimmy Savile are pursuing 120 separate lines of inquiry, Scotland Yard has said.


9th October 2012, 20:29
I notice that he is linked to the Haut de la Garenne scandal in Jersey. (The Haut de la Garenne scandal came to the surface just a few years ago - incredible)

"Jimmy Savile linked with Haut de la Garenne children's home scandal
Lenny Harper, former child abuse investigator, says he believes Savile was involved in indecent assault at Jersey institution"



This looks like it could become colossal....

9th October 2012, 21:08
It just goes to show how the media can make you famous then knock you down even if you are dead. I was really shocked when all this came out. I used to think he did great things. He made millions for charity. It just goes to show how they cover things up.

9th October 2012, 22:10
No Sympathy for the latest victim to come forward


9th October 2012, 22:15

9th October 2012, 22:18
now then now then, hes dead why has it took this long for the people to come forward and is it for money or is it for justice, if i was molested a long time ago, i think i would keep my mouth shut, thats just my thought on this,

9th October 2012, 22:21
now then now then, hes dead why has it took this long for the people to come forward and is it for money or is it for justice, if i was molested a long time ago, i think i would keep my mouth shut, thats just my thought on this,

Judging by what I just heard on the news, this whole thing has exploded.

Arthur Little
9th October 2012, 22:23
But WHY NOW ... why didn't his "victims" speak out while he was still alive?? That's what's so puzzling about this whole sordid business. Doesn't make sense! :NoNo:

9th October 2012, 22:28
But WHY NOW ... why didn't his "victims" speak out while he was still alive?? That's what's so puzzling about this whole sordid business. Doesn't make sense! :NoNo:

I know what you mean, but we will see in the course of time why. A few of the victims have already given some indication as to why.

9th October 2012, 22:30
you can live with something so long some of us can, some can take it to the grave, but some can hear the jingle of cash, i am surprized that that bloke is it mosley the one who takes them under his wings and makes the thousands and him too

9th October 2012, 22:40
Judging by what I just heard on the news, this whole thing has exploded.

Yep you're right Lastlid. I've really ignored the story initially as I felt it was Tabloid drivel. But it doesn't look like it's going away. I saw a policeman on the BBC earlier and from what he was saying they are taking it very seriously.

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 01:05
now then now then,

Hmm ... :yeahthat: was one of his "stock phrases", I seem to recall.

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 01:20
is it for money or is it for justice,

:gp: ...

some can hear the jingle of cash,

... wouldn't surprise me in the least, Steve. :NoNo:

10th October 2012, 02:20
BREAKING NEWS : More scandal at BBC headquarters as Rod Hull has been charged with fisting a young bird.

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 02:54
BREAKING NEWS : More scandal at BBC headquarters as Rod Hull has been charged with fisting a young bird.

Ah, well ... emu wot 'e was doing! :icon_lol:

10th October 2012, 06:56
just heard that in scarborough they have removed his headstone for the family, better be safe than sorry when some low life either knocks it down or paints it, thats the whole problem now, its the ones left behind, ie his family who suffer

10th October 2012, 12:44
Why has this come to the fore only now?

"Jimmy Savile: why didn't the tough tabloids nail him?
Those who should have acted didn't, kids who dared complain weren't believed, and all in a pre-internet age"


Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 13:21
Why has this come to the fore only now?

:anerikke: ... that's what I've been saying since the current investigations began.

10th October 2012, 13:42
Why has this come to the fore only now?


Jim woulda got away with it if he wasn't meddling with those kids.

10th October 2012, 14:00
I don't know who this Jimmy Savile guy is, never heard of him until this news came out. There are reasons why someone would keep their mouth shut about certain things and for the others they'd do the opposite. If these allegations are true, it's a shame to his family and all the authorities who ignored this before. It can be possible what the victims say that some of them told someone and told them to rub it off or be quiet about it or that they don't believe whatever the victims told them that time. If no one believed them then (including someone they trust like parents or teachers, etc), of course they would think to just shut up. Remember the Pakistani/Bangladeshi descents who were charged of grooming girls for sex a few months ago, some of their victims told police and the authorities about it from the start but no one did anything then until recently. It could be possible that it happened before with the so-called Jimmy Savile victims too. Victims usually hides whatever is happening if their threatened or no one listens to them. There are things like this in the Philippines too. But anyway, this kind of news is really sickening.:NoNo:

10th October 2012, 14:00
:anerikke: ... that's what I've been saying since the current investigations began.

The answer(s) is (are) in the link.


It seems he was interviewed by the police on several occasions over the years.

South-east boy
10th October 2012, 16:00
I can understand how they didn't come forward years ago, especially at the time when they were young. He was famous, had a good image and did work for charity. The poor girls probably thought no-one would believe them and it was a word of a young teenager (and this was mostly back in the 1960's - 1980's, when you didn't hear so much about child abuse and teenagers & their problems were understood less and not as talked about) against the word of a famous celebrity with a good image. If they had known it had happened to others and others had come forward, it would have been easier for them to come forward as well and it wouldn't have been them on their own.

10th October 2012, 16:04
I can understand how they didn't come forward years ago, especially at the time when they were young. He was famous, had a good image and did work for charity. The poor girls probably thought no-one would believe them and it was a word of a young teenager (and this was mostly back in the 1960's - 1980's, when you didn't hear so much about child abuse and teenagers & their problems were understood less and not as talked about) against the word of a famous celebrity with a good image. If they had known it had happened to others and others had come forward, it would have been easier for them to come forward as well and it wouldn't have been them on their own.

You are right. And evidently some of these teenagers came from backgrounds that made them more vulnerable.

10th October 2012, 17:31
I can understand how they didn't come forward years ago, especially at the time when they were young. He was famous, had a good image and did work for charity. The poor girls probably thought no-one would believe them and it was a word of a young teenager (and this was mostly back in the 1960's - 1980's, when you didn't hear so much about child abuse and teenagers & their problems were understood less and not as talked about) against the word of a famous celebrity with a good image. If they had known it had happened to others and others had come forward, it would have been easier for them to come forward as well and it wouldn't have been them on their own.
I am in disagreement here, your telling me that it seems like possibly Hundreds of "kids"haven't been able to mention it till now!
Many are now what 45/50 years old and since maturing into adults they can only bring it up when he is dead:NoNo:
Simple law of probability would suggest at least 10% or more would have had the guts to challenge him when he was alive and see him suffer.
I still think this is money motivated by many -lets get on the Bandwagon:censored:

10th October 2012, 18:15
It's probably just best to let the Police investigation run it's course and we can decide then.
I understand Freddie Starr has been implicated by someone aswell. At leasts he still alive to defend himself.

10th October 2012, 19:20
I am in disagreement here, your telling me that it seems like possibly Hundreds of "kids"haven't been able to mention it till now!
Many are now what 45/50 years old and since maturing into adults they can only bring it up when he is dead:NoNo:
Simple law of probability would suggest at least 10% or more would have had the guts to challenge him when he was alive and see him suffer.
I still think this is money motivated by many -lets get on the Bandwagon:censored:

Evidently some did mention it but nothing was done about it. He was interviewed by the police on a number of occasions, evidently.


10th October 2012, 19:32
" insufficient evidence for a prosecution, the force said on Monday.
Innocent til proven guilty but many are deciding already he is guilty

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 19:52
just heard that in scarborough they have removed his headstone

:cwm24: ... looking for some more "skeletons" to unearth, I've no doubt.

10th October 2012, 19:56
Susan Boyle is outraged at her treatment during her appearance as a child on Jim'll fix it.

He never laid a finger on her

10th October 2012, 19:57
BREAKING NEWS : A gang of dyslexic vigilantes have just beaten up Jimmy Somerville

10th October 2012, 19:58
What do Margaret Thatcher and Jimmy Saville have in common ?

They both shafted minors in the 1980's............

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 20:07
What do Margaret Thatcher and Jimmy Saville have in common ?

They both shafted minors in the 1980's............

... probably explains WHY the two of them were so pally. :icon_lol:

10th October 2012, 20:19
i think we all have watched his tv shows and seen all he has done for charity, i for one enjoyed his shows and may be he was a nice bloke, but whats happened has happened, if hes done what they say he has well he should not have done, but what starryeyed young girl would have been on the show and maybe been impressed, again i will say its wrong and should never happen, but why has it took this long to come out, just my thought and i dont mean to offend anyone

10th October 2012, 20:31
.......... but why has it took this long to come out, just my thought and i dont mean to offend anyone

I know these are copy and pastes, but there's a lot of material out there like this. No smoke without fire.

"A quote from 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke has been going through my head this past month.

The quote: “All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”



10th October 2012, 20:48
now then now then, hes dead why has it took this long for the people to come forward and is it for money or is it for justice, if i was molested a long time ago, i think i would keep my mouth shut, thats just my thought on this,

Eve Pollard of the Daily Mirror:

"And he chose his girls very well - remember these girls did not have families who would say go and tell your story to the newspapers."

10th October 2012, 21:01
who would tell the newspapers anything, i was caught up with a story once with the local paper, all they wanted was the crap nothing else, the only thing that may be good that comes out of this , is the people or friends of him that may be involved in this, or will they wait till they are dead, its funny when something like this happens, everyone seems to say after the fact, i always thought there was something funny about him or her

stevie c
10th October 2012, 21:23
Innocent until proven guilty is all that needs to be said on the matter imo

10th October 2012, 21:36
Paedophile hunter says Jimmy Savile’s support for Gary Glitter points to his guilt

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/paedophile-hunter-says-jimmy-savilersquos-support-for-gary-glitter-points-to-his-guilt-16221647.html#ixzz28vkrPwNb

11th October 2012, 09:09
Seemingly this was prevented from going out on air on I have Got News for You

Please don't read if you are under 18 or likely to be offended......



11th October 2012, 16:04
Jimmy Savile 'named several times' in Jersey abuse investigation


11th October 2012, 20:33
Well at least the Met seem to be taking it seriously


11th October 2012, 20:40
Well at least the Met seem to be taking it seriously



There is one or two still living who might be sleeping uneasily just now.

12th October 2012, 03:41

Arthur Little
12th October 2012, 04:11

:laugher: ... see too, MY #45 overleaf ... except YOU'VE expressed it BETTER ...!

12th October 2012, 08:11

12th October 2012, 08:12
just read that another famous celebrity has been named, police are saying jeremy beadle had a small hand in it

12th October 2012, 10:01
I bet Gary Glitter regrets not asking Jim to fix it instead of taking his computer to PC World

12th October 2012, 10:31
The good news: there's going to be full inquiry into the paedophile activities of Jimmy Saville.

Bad news - Rochdale Social Services won the contract.

12th October 2012, 16:41
I don't think there are many doubters left.....

Jimmy Savile: Yorkshire rejects tainted legacy


12th October 2012, 22:17
Anybody still in doubt now?

Looks like the BBC could be held vicariously liable.

22nd October 2012, 07:23
Panorama Special Tonight BBC1 10:35



22nd October 2012, 11:28
I think that everyone has missed the point. None of the persons abused was old enough or brave enough to comment at the time and those that did were not believed. Now that an investigation has commenced it will be discovered that those around JS who condoned his behaviour and are still alive may well be prosecuted. This type of thing is still with us today and it has to be stopped and you cannot continue to sweeo things under the carpet forever. The fact that JS is dead is irrelevant! Watch tonight's Panorama (Monday 22 Oct) for more revelations.

22nd October 2012, 11:40
I think that everyone has missed the point. None of the persons abused was old enough or brave enough to comment at the time and those that did were not believed. Now that an investigation has commenced it will be discovered that those around JS who condoned his behaviour and are still alive may well be prosecuted. This type of thing is still with us today and it has to be stopped and you cannot continue to sweeo things under the carpet forever. The fact that JS is dead is irrelevant! Watch tonight's Panorama (Monday 22 Oct) for more revelations.

I agree. And didn't miss that point. But you are correct in that many did miss the point.

22nd October 2012, 12:08
I unlike many am a fan of the BBC. But I'm not sure that I will learn alot more from a Panorama special tonight. Seems to me that they had an opportunity to make a programme about this subject many months ago but for some reason decided to remain silent. I will watch the programme but am not expecting anything new to be revealed.
Over the years I have regarded Panorama as an investigative,informative whistleblowing current affairs programme. I'm not sure this programme has been made for the right reasons but let's wait and see.

22nd October 2012, 20:17
BBC Newsnight editor steps aside over claims


22nd October 2012, 23:26
Bloody hell, these BBC scandals are getting worse.
It turns out now that Morph was a playdophile.:NoNo:

22nd October 2012, 23:31
no one owning up to owning a jim fixed it badge then :biggrin:

23rd October 2012, 00:02
jimmy savile's last request was that after his death his ashes were to be put in an
etch-a-sketch so that kids can still fiddle with his knob!

23rd October 2012, 00:15

23rd October 2012, 00:25
jimmy savile's last request was that after his death his ashes were to be put in an
etch-a-sketch so that kids can still fiddle with his knob!


23rd October 2012, 00:28
Imagine...I know!!
Im wondering when Boris Johnson's mum will come forward and tells us that she was raped by Jimmy Saville in 1963?
You couldnt make this stuff up!!

23rd October 2012, 07:25
Now all the compensation claims start pouring in :ReadIt:

23rd October 2012, 14:35
Jimmy Savile Panorama attracts five million viewers

26th October 2012, 15:15
I wish everyone would stop talking about Jimmy Savile. When I was 8 he fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded.:doh

26th October 2012, 15:18
I wish everyone would stop talking about Jimmy Savile. When I was 8 he fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded.:doh

Get your claim in boy!!
We could be talking a 5 figure sum!!

26th October 2012, 15:20
Get your claim in boy!!
We could be talking a 5 figure sum!!
:laugher:. See you in bohol fred.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2012, 12:12
Gary Glitter first arrest under new Jimmy Savile police inquiry


28th October 2012, 12:31
he wont be the last to be arrested

28th October 2012, 12:35
Gary Glitter first arrest under new Jimmy Savile police inquiry

I wonder if he was the leader of the gang?:icon_lol:

28th October 2012, 12:40
Strictly Come Dancing 2012: As Jimmy Savile scandal deepens a friend of Denise Van Outen’s says she was “groomed” by paedophile Gary Glitter:yikes:


28th October 2012, 12:45
Gary Glitter first arrest under new Jimmy Savile police inquiry


Reading some of the stories I was expecting this one. I'm expecting Freddie Starr aswell. I bet there's a few people not sleeping too well at the moment.

28th October 2012, 13:00
Reading some of the stories I was expecting this one. I'm expecting Freddie Starr aswell. I bet there's a few people not sleeping to well at the moment.

I notice that Jonathan King and Jimmy Savile were good friends.

28th October 2012, 13:57
I imagine Glitter will be one of the main keys to this enquiry and will be 'negotiating' with the police by feeding them information in order to get a lower sentence.

Being a paedo should be classed as a mental illness not a crime, that way we can keep them locked up as long as we want :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2012, 21:08
I have only been back in town a week,tuesday I saw max clifford parked up just off the high street chatting away on his phone looking like the cat that got the cream as usual,he didnt look so smug when I saw him going through the high street on firday :cwm25::icon_lol:

9th December 2012, 21:29

Welcome back Tawi2. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2012, 21:41
the picture says it all

Ako Si Jamie
9th December 2012, 22:20
Apparently a new celebrity reality show set in a prison is going to be on our screens in the near future.

"I'm a nonce, get me outta here!"

9th December 2012, 23:27