View Full Version : My husband had a dream..

2nd October 2012, 15:32
My husband told me he had a dream last night. With the Entry Clearance Officer! We were all eating a mexican food at a restaurant when someone came to us and gave us a chinese fortune cookie. My hubby told me the ECO opened it and it was an approved visa!

Gosh! I guess my husband keeps thinking about our application too.

2nd October 2012, 16:02
a dream is not to be underestimated, throughout time great kings look to their wise men for unlocking the meanings,
infact is life not built on dreams,

may your fortune cookie come true

2nd October 2012, 16:52
If only all spouse visa applications ended up like that! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2012, 20:54
infact is life not built on dreams,

i agree with this

2nd October 2012, 21:03
May your dreams come true; for without dreams how can one have a dream come true:) When they do what joy!

2nd October 2012, 21:24
a long time ago in a far of place my ex said you are just a dreamer i live in the real world, thats her words, but hey i still dream but so far so good, most have come true or starting to happen, dream on dream boy:icon_lol:

2nd October 2012, 22:38
infact is life not built on dreams,

i agree with this

Yes. :xxgrinning--00xx3: