View Full Version : FLR(M) online submission URL?

7th October 2012, 19:42

We will be submitting our FLR(M) application next weekend. We have the latest form, information etc. however, the UK BA site says we can submit the form online, yet we cannot find the page to do this. Please can someone help?

Thank you.

Rose and Trefor.

7th October 2012, 19:56

We will be submitting our FLR(M) application next weekend. We have the latest form, information etc. however, the UK BA site says we can submit the form online, yet we cannot find the page to do this. Please can someone help?

Thank you.

Rose and Trefor.

I stand to be corrected Trefor, but I don't think you can make an online application for FLR(M)

You'll need to download the latest form (important, it MUST be the latest)
all 40 odd pages of it :yikes:
Then fill it out and either post it or organise a personal appearance at the PEO
(at a higher fee)

9th October 2012, 07:34
Hi Terpe.

Thanks. The website talks about applying online, hence why I asked.

It seems Rose has managed to book us an appointment in Nov at the Belfast PEO. I'm stuck in sunny Spain at the moment, will get the 'how to' on Friday when I'm home.
