View Full Version : A Newbie With A Big Problem!

6th August 2007, 10:00
Hi to everyone here who has a big heart of helping others. I have this anxieties that needs to be lightened up. My wife works in UK and I and my daughter applied at UKVACS last July 05, last August 03 the embassy sent me a letter asking for additional supporting documents for our application such as payslip, letter of accomodation, evidence of the renewal of visa of my wife. The problem is my wife cannot produce a payslip since her employer pays her in cash. Her employer e-mailed the embassy and explained the method of the salary payment. Question is, will it work? Considering the fact that the embassy is very strict in issuing visas these days. What other options do we have? I appreciate a lot your suggestions!!!

6th August 2007, 10:04
Hi payback, may I know what type of visa is your wife holding?

6th August 2007, 10:26
Hi payback, may I know what type of visa is your wife holding? shes a domestic worker Lady J.

6th August 2007, 11:13
Are you coming here to visit your wife or to live with her?

does she live with her current employer? If she does, she will have to ask her employer If you and your daughter are allowed to stay in their house.

whether you're coming here for good or just to visit, your wife must provide a clear evidences that she have accomodation for you available, financial such a bank statements, payslips or letter from her employer and most important is her visa status.

You asked, what's your chance of getting a visa? Well, If you provide all the evidences that embassy asked then your chance is 50%.

6th August 2007, 13:36
Thanx a lot Lady J, yes shes living with her employer, in fact her employer has the thumb ups sign regarding our stay in their house and gave an accomodation letter which I submitted to the embassy. The thing that bothers me is my wife cant provide any payslips since she is being paid by cash and through her ATM. No problem with her visa for she has renewed it just today. By the way, we intend to go to UK to join her.

6th August 2007, 13:53
I see. Did you look on the official website if its possible for the domestic worker to get their dependants and join here in UK? because I have no idea at all.

Your wife's employer should write a letter and explain to the embassy about how he/she's paying your wife and also your wife must show evidence of enough funds to support you and your daughter when you come here.

6th August 2007, 14:06
how long as your wife worked for her employer ? your wife should have got a p60 in april, showing what tax and national insurance contributions your wife has paid in the last year upto april.

6th August 2007, 21:40

oh and ... welcome :D


7th August 2007, 01:55
how long as your wife worked for her employer ? your wife should have got a p60 in april, showing what tax and national insurance contributions your wife has paid in the last year upto april.

sorry for my ignorance joe bloggs but i have no idea what p60 means,but she mentioned shes paying some kind of taxes which im not sure of. incedentally my wife has been working for them since 2003 way back in Hongkong up to now.:Help1:

7th August 2007, 02:04
I see. Did you look on the official website if its possible for the domestic worker to get their dependants and join here in UK? because I have no idea at all.

Your wife's employer should write a letter and explain to the embassy about how he/she's paying your wife and also your wife must show evidence of enough funds to support you and your daughter when you come here.yes Lady J, its possible that we can go in UK [GOD'S permit] as her dependants. her employer already wrote to the embassy and explained to them and hopefully we'll get a favorable response from them.:)

7th August 2007, 02:09
how long as your wife worked for her employer ? your wife should have got a p60 in april, showing what tax and national insurance contributions your wife has paid in the last year upto april.

actually shes been working for them since 2003 way back when they are still in Hongkong. Sorry for my ignorance joebloggs,dont know what P60 means. all i know is that shes paying some kind of insurance but not really sure what it is.:Help1:

7th August 2007, 02:13

oh and ... welcome :D


i dont know what kind of a wide grin that is.:) anyways, thnx!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th August 2007, 10:56
Joe, this geeza said the wife is paid by cash, so I'm sure no p60 for her.

Payback, a P60 details your earnings and tax deductions for the last tax year and is provided by your employer each April.

Goodluck to your application.

7th August 2007, 13:36

I'm pretty certain by law, her employer has to give her a pay slip each month, wether she is paid cash or not, and i'm sure its the same for the P60, each one showing that her employer has deducted tax and National insurance from her wages, its illegal for her employer not to deduct the tax and national insurance from her wage, if she has no pay slip or p60, then why not ?

7th August 2007, 20:08
not sure about that joeb. I'm self employed now & have not paid any tax :xxgrinning--00xx3: or NI yet. my accountant says I just have to send the government a cheque in October to cover this.. no payslips, and no p60 :Erm:

I'm kind of concerned since was hoping to apply again for the fiance visa next month
but I have no proof of income really since march. Keith might know more about the legal side - I dont have a fire extinguisher either :Help1:

7th August 2007, 20:41
I dont have a fire extinguisher either :Help1:

I had to get two of them because I run a Limited company from home....Health & Safety.....:Erm:......and now the local sheep are sneezing, and the chickens have a problem with there feet & mouths :Cuckoo:

If you are taking money as income from the business, and this is showing up in your bank account, just knock up some official looking payslips to equal the payment.....or get some from Staples.

7th August 2007, 20:42
i think it counts as self employed so would need to go to the ukvisa website and see what they say for self employed people. Which is more about bank accounts and accountants.

7th August 2007, 20:44
I had to get two of them because I run a Limited company from home....Health & Safety.....:Erm:......and now the local sheep are sneezing, and the chickens have a problem with there feet & mouths :Cuckoo:

If you are taking money as income from the business, and this is showing up in your bank account, just knock up some official looking payslips to equal the payment.....or get some from Staples.

There are websites which will do this for you, but we never wrote that:rolleyes:

7th August 2007, 20:45
..... but we never wrote that:rolleyes:

No, YOU did :icon_lol:

7th August 2007, 20:50
No, YOU did :icon_lol:
