View Full Version : Passing the time

6th August 2007, 11:51
Back now - and ready to bore you all with new threads - blog coming soon.

Try this one - No matter how hard I try, I just CANNOT sleep on a crowded 747. Get sick of watching the rubbish movies etc..etc...

Has anybody got a good way of passing the time on a 12 hour flight?

Al :)

6th August 2007, 12:12
good way;

read and learn about your lady's language and culture.

bad way;

if you cannot sleep then take sleeping tablets.

6th August 2007, 12:26
Thank you for that - I'm ahead of you. Bought 2 VERY interesting books when in Manila - The Philippines - A Unique Nation by Sonia M. Zaide - and Introduction to Filipino History by Teodoro A. Agoncillo

Quite easy reads.


6th August 2007, 13:52
Thank you for that - I'm ahead of you. Bought 2 VERY interesting books when in Manila - The Philippines - A Unique Nation by Sonia M. Zaide - and Introduction to Filipino History by Teodoro A. Agoncillo

Quite easy reads.


:NEW5::NEW5::NEW5: oh, i nodded off then,
me , I stay awake for at least 24 hours before the flight , usually start packing my suitecase then :D, and sooner or later on that 16hr+ filght i'll fall asleep for 10 mins, never slept for more than 30 mins on a plane :cwm3: :cwm24: or starring at the screen of the planes journey, soon nod off for a few mins.. :NEW5:

6th August 2007, 14:47
I can never sleep on an outward bound flight - but the return journey, I always fall asleep before the plane even takes off...:doh

6th August 2007, 19:51
Has anybody got a good way of passing the time on a 12 hour flight?

Al :)

Eat a clock, then you'll pass time later :icon_lol:

6th August 2007, 20:04
I don't have any idea what to do during the 12-hour flight. Last time on the way here to England, I was never asleep 'coz of excitement & because of that excitement i always went to the toilet for a wee which is quite embarassing...

But i'm so excited now coz next week i'll be flying back to Philippines & this time i'm not on my own, i'll be w/ my "asawa ko" maybe then i will manage to go to sleep in his arms!!!! God bless us all!!!


6th August 2007, 20:09

Hmmmm - never heard that one before lol. :)

Louella - no better place to sleep - God bless you both.


6th August 2007, 20:10
I hate being on the plane for 12 hours..damn it! its really long hours being stuck inside, not much to do but just sat, and have a numb bum, watching the film or other programs, waiting for the food, stand after eating while wait for the que to the loo, and back. Look at the watch and think what time is it to the destination or the time difference in between. And have the mind wondering,..thinking, thinking and thinking of how excited you are, looking forward to be there soon.
One thing that I really felt bad about travelling for long hours was I always got bloated, constipated, and felt dry.:NoNo:

6th August 2007, 20:13
I mean - 12 hours - that's EIGHT football matches - and I get bored watching my team (Oldham) after TEN minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we ask the United Nations to bring the Phils. a bit nearer to us? :)


6th August 2007, 20:28
i recommend u join the Mile High Club
always puts me asleep straight after

6th August 2007, 20:39
.....and felt dry.:NoNo:

I thought a tongue could solve that! :cwm24:

6th August 2007, 20:46
He Could Combine The Idea Of Joining Mile High Club And Keef's Suggestion And Kill 2 Birds With The One Stone :d:d:d:d:d

6th August 2007, 20:49
Naughtiness here..

Can I banned the Admin? I wish i could :rolleyes:

6th August 2007, 20:50
erv my friend ...
if u can't beat 'em, join 'em!

when in rome do as keef does! :D:D

he got an obsession ;)

6th August 2007, 21:00
Hmmmmm - don't really understand this.

Yours sincerely,

Litle old innocent don't understand anything naughty,


6th August 2007, 21:19

erv will explain it!

over to u erv

6th August 2007, 21:28
I don't understand either.. i think its something to do with the pudding.
Oi, speaking of pudding, my husband has made me a 'spotted dick' recently.
It was really gorgeous sweet pudding. I didn't get it of how the hell english has called it spotted dick. I feel sorry for the pudding..lol

6th August 2007, 21:30

you're just as nasty as our keef! LoL!

you like the spotted dick? and u like all the english grub?

6th August 2007, 22:05
Back now - and ready to bore you all with new threads - blog coming soon.

Try this one - No matter how hard I try, I just CANNOT sleep on a crowded 747. Get sick of watching the rubbish movies etc..etc...

Has anybody got a good way of passing the time on a 12 hour flight?

Al :)

I must be blessed, I am able to sleep anywhere, anyplace, anytime... :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Long flights don't bother me at all, the only thing that annoys me is the waiting for the gates to open.

I always have a couple of paperbacks with me on the flight,
and I break the monotony of reading, by getting my old faithful Nintendo Gameboy out and play Dr. Mario or Tetris and other puzzle games (with the sound off):D.
I watch some movies, if there is any worth watching, or sleep all the way home, with food and drink breaks....:rolleyes:
I plan my long haul trips around my body clock and jet lag, I try to arrive at the end destination either in the morning, or early afternoon.
So I can spend the rest of the day getting extra tired, go to bed at my usual time, get a full night of sleep and wake up the morning after, refreshed and without jet lag.
It works everytime.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Some other tips for more confortable flights... From my experiences.
Wear baggy clothes, loose socks and shoes, drink a lot of liquids, preferably as little alcohol as possible (causes dehidration), eat the peanuts you are offered(salt), from the menu try to choose rice based main courses and fish or chicken, NOT pasta or potatoes and red meat, as those will make you bloated and are slower to digest.

But.............. To each his/her own..........:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2007, 22:06
you are a connissuer aromulus :D

6th August 2007, 22:26
..if you arrive late at night, rather than go to bed. go out and party :BouncyHappy: till the early hours.. :66:

your body will be so busy getting over the hangover :cwm3: that it wont care about the jetlag :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th August 2007, 22:28
but just make sure u wake up next to the RIGHT person :D

6th August 2007, 23:01
you are a connissuer aromulus :D

Nope, I try to give practical advice, as opposed to flooding the forum with vast quantities of inane chatter, something our welsh friend Rob would define as "Tarw cachu" ...


6th August 2007, 23:02
ummm i thought this forum was practically devoted to inane chatter!?!

7th August 2007, 08:41
i must be different coz on my flight coming here i felt like the time i spent on the plane wasnt enough heheh, i watch movie, played games, read corny books :P talking to seat mate :Erm: i was busy that i didnt manage to sleep, but i dont think sleeping on th plane will be a problem for me.