View Full Version : Weather in the Phils - Dec / Jan

10th October 2012, 09:48
I have booked a vacation to the Phils after Christmas for a couple of weeks & am hoping to meet someone over there when I go - already opened my accounts with a couple of dating agencies. The plan is to stay a few days in Cebu , travel south to Dumaguete ( where an ex-pat Brit who I knew from many years ago now lives ) and end up with a weeks vacation in Bohol.

My main question is with regard to the weather & get some feedback from Brits who have travelled there. Like most of us , my main experience of the heat is a fortnights holiday in the Med but from what I can read , the heat & humidity is of a completely different scale over there. It is very difficult to translate raw figures of temperature & humidity into what it is like in reality , especially when it is so cold here ( I scraped ice off my car this morning! )

Albeit I will be staying in aircon accommodation , just how hot :cwm23: & humid :yikes: does it feel? How pervasive are the mosquitos? Did you find it completely hellish or is it manageable ( for a reasonably fit, adaptable mid 40's guy like me )?

10th October 2012, 11:17
That time of the year is probably the most pleasant, because it is normally dry, SLIGHTLY less humid and cooler at night.

If you want to get an idea of what the overall 'feel' is like, step inside the tropical house at your nearest zoo or botanical gardens.

The air is 'heavy' and sweat-inducing, but if you just move about a little more slowly (not difficult when following Filipinos), dress in very light, loose clothing and keep in the shade where possible (use an umbrella as a sunshade), it makes things more bearable.

The sun is VERY strong, so be very careful when sitting on the beach etc.

Most days of the year afternoon temp will be 29-32C.

Shopping Malls and hotels will be air-conditioned.
As will buses and taxis.

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 12:09
To give you some :idea: of the temperatures ... in the Southern Philippines at least, I found bathing in the sea - on Christmas Day 2008 - a very pleasant experience. :smile:

Arthur Little
10th October 2012, 12:19
:smile: Btw ... a belated :welcomex: here, from a fellow Scotsman. :Kilt:

10th October 2012, 12:20
Thanks guys. I guess normally my body would somewhat acclimitise after a few weeks but I don't have that luxury.

I suppose I should be used to the mosquitos with the midges over here!

10th October 2012, 13:21
For the mossies, just buy a bottle of 'Off' from any pharmacy or supermarket there and wear long pants and socks after dark, plus long sleeves. Their favourite target area seems to be the ankles. Indoors, keep windows (if without gauze covering) and doors shut after dark, and if necessary, spray the room.

After many years visiting and living there, they don't seem to bother me anymore (I don't use repellent now), so possibly the body builds up something that puts them off...in my case probably sweat, alcohol and nicotene. lol

10th October 2012, 14:09
a great time to go, i would love to be there then, did not have any pronlems with the heat and the mozzies, slap on the suntan oil ans enjoy,

10th October 2012, 14:46
JUNGLE FORMULA is another good mozzie repellant, you can also buy a mozzie net in Boots or online to use at night, it is great to make you relax knowing the little blighters cant get you.

10th October 2012, 15:46
I found that the bad time for mossies was 5.30 to 7.00pm which unfortunately coincided with San Miguel o'clock. As mentioned 'Off' is readily available and seems to be effective but covering up is the most effective especially ankles. I too noticed a build up of resiliency over the years. Temperatures are pleasant that time of year (Visayas rarely varies from 28-32 all year) but there is no real dry season, just a less wet one.