View Full Version : NI Number

10th October 2012, 14:29
Hi Guys
Just asking if anybody has recently applied for a National Insurance Number and if they can enlighten us on the current procedure for getting one


10th October 2012, 14:31
Evidently you (your wife) pays the job centre a visit. See what others say as it can be different over here in IOM.

10th October 2012, 15:20
we phoned just now the JOBCENTRE , here's their contact 0845 600 0643

they just asked my hubby if im in the uk , my nationality , expired date of visa , kind of visa , my fullname , birth date ,purpose of getting the ni .. and then they're going to send the application form after 10 days ...

10th October 2012, 15:22
Yes, it needs to be done on appointment at Jobcentre Plus

Follow this link Marco to get all the info and contact numbers etc

Applying for a National Insurance number (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/Taxes/BeginnersGuideToTax/NationalInsurance/IntroductiontoNationalInsurance/DG_190057)

10th October 2012, 16:21
In some areas of the country it's a simple chat over the phone, and they send you the paperwork.

In London it seems it's an actual interview.

But you're lucky Mark, as the office where the interview will be held is just up the road from you, in Upper Tooting Road


From past experience, I'd wager that you'll be the only people who won't need an interpreter !

10th October 2012, 16:26
..In London it seems it's an actual interview.

My wife needed to attend interview here in Northampton

10th October 2012, 18:24
In some areas of the country it's a simple chat over the phone, and they send you the paperwork.

In London it seems it's an actual interview.

But you're lucky Mark, as the office where the interview will be held is just up the road from you, in Upper Tooting Road


From past experience, I'd wager that you'll be the only people who won't need an interpreter !

Thanks Guys for your help.
Yep BBJ I was trying to see if it was possible to get it without the need to visit Upper Tooting Rd :biggrin: