View Full Version : Mom Gets 99 Years in Prison for Gluing Tot's Hands

13th October 2012, 17:53
watch the video, mothers abusing their own kids :cwm23:
discipline, spare the rod, spoil the child :crazy: or abuse ???

A Dallas woman who beat her 2-year-old daughter and glued the toddler's hands to a wall was sentenced Friday to 99 years in prison by a judge who described his decision as a necessary punishment for a brutal, shocking attack.


13th October 2012, 19:55
I wish I hadn't read this joe.
It's hard for normal folk to believe this stuff could ever really happen.
And I thought my childhood was 'edgy'

14th October 2012, 09:18
why o why can people like this have children, we all have had differant upbringing, a smack here and so on,thats all i can say on this

Michael Parnham
14th October 2012, 09:30
Why wasn't the child removed from its mother earlier?

14th October 2012, 12:12
5 kids and only 23yrs old :cwm3:
99yrs is a long time, no chance she will re-offend :cwm24:

14th October 2012, 12:39
99yrs is a long time, no chance she will re-offend :cwm24:

Who says prisons don't work? This sentence certainly proves they do as she won't be doing that offence again!

14th October 2012, 13:25
5 kids and only 23yrs old :cwm3:
99yrs is a long time, no chance she will re-offend :cwm24:

theres absolubtly no excuse for what she did, but at 23 yr old and 5 kids, kind of makes me wonder about the condition of her mentality

14th October 2012, 16:34
In 2012 Britain she'd get a spot of community service and a bigger publicly funded house after her legal aid funded lawyers argued that she was disadvantaged and society was to blame

14th October 2012, 16:38
In 2012 Britain she'd get a spot of community service and a bigger publicly funded house after her legal aid funded lawyers argued that she was disadvantaged and society was to blame

this aint a joke its real

14th October 2012, 16:43
this aint a joke its real

Joke ?

What sort of sentence do you think she would get if she was in the UK and it even got as far as court then Steve ??

14th October 2012, 17:03
Joke ?

What sort of sentence do you think she would get if she was in the UK and it even got as far as court then Steve ??

noooooooooo i ment it as agreeing with what you say

14th October 2012, 17:06
Joke ?

What sort of sentence do you think she would get if she was in the UK and it even got as far as court then Steve ??

if it got to court she would have got 9 months, but when she came out the kids would have returned to her and she would have someone from social services younger then her to help her through the ordeal

14th October 2012, 17:15
noooooooooo i ment it as agreeing with what you say

Apologies Steve I kind of wondered that :icon_sorry:

14th October 2012, 17:30
Apologies Steve I kind of wondered that :icon_sorry:

I must say, I dont normally read these child abuse threads...only reason now is becoz I saw Ded's post on the activity stream.

I totally agree...had this crime happened here she would of got what Steve and Ded said.

I know some of us rubbish the yank at every given opportunity but, at least they are not afraid to dish out punishment befitting the crime.

14th October 2012, 17:35
I may be wrong but I believe different states have different punishments.

14th October 2012, 17:47
I may be wrong but I believe different states have different punishments.

Yep you're right there Andy..like some states have death penalty and some doesn't; some allow gay marriages, some don't; etc.

14th October 2012, 18:06
I know some of us rubbish the yank at every given opportunity but, at least they are not afraid to dish out punishment befitting the crime.

That's why Captain Hook spent so many years and so much of our money trying to avoid going there. I wonder how his weekend in New Yorks been - a spot of waterboarding and a going over with a baseball bat I hope :biggrin:

We need to punish crinimals not sit down hand wringing and having tea and biscuits with them . The punishment should fit the crime and prisons should be harsh austere places that act as a deterrent making the scum fear going into them.

14th October 2012, 18:18
if the evidence is 100% without doubt, murderers , rapists, pedaphiles,terrorists, and any others in that top catagory , should without hesitation have their life terminated,

end of

14th October 2012, 19:29
if the evidence is 100% without doubt, murderers , rapists, pedaphiles,terrorists, and any others in that top catagory , should without hesitation have their life terminated,

end of
agree with you on this