View Full Version : getting up early

14th October 2012, 07:00
Well its just before 6am and the alarms going , just to take my Ems to work, well todays not too bad waking up that early, back at home and watching the GP life is good sometimes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th October 2012, 07:25
I was also woken up at 6am with Marvie getting then eldest ready for school, but thankfully I have a day off so went back to sleep until the youngest decided to wake me up lol

14th October 2012, 10:28
My wife is working another 'long day' so I was also up early at 6:20am
Yep, watched the Korean GP. The pre-race discussions and the race live.
It's going to be a late dinner again tonight at 10:00 pm

I'll be out cycling again today. Luckily I bought some extra-padded cycle shorts :biggrin:

14th October 2012, 10:52
sunday morning and i woke early 10 am :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd October 2012, 06:50
"Up early 6.30 am ". You have to be kiding mate !!!!!! That is a long lye for some !!!!!

23rd October 2012, 07:12
took the dog for a walk 4am, had a bath, breakfast, got the kids breakfast ready, cleaned the place up all b4 6:30am :icon_lol: