View Full Version : Spitting in Sport

14th October 2012, 16:04
A lovely subject :cwm25:

We constantly see footballers spitting during a match, great to see when you're watching a 5 o'clock game and eating your tea :doh

Now footballers constantly tell us that they need to do this to clear throats, noses, and whatever other pathetic excuse they use. The real reason is they are just dirty :furious3:.

If you watch the tennis players, playing for longer, exterting a lot more energy, when do you ever see them spit? Have you ever seen the No.1 court in the US Open covered in flem?? No :anerikke: So no sporting reason exists as to why footballers do it as they play a lot less than tennis players and don't use as much energy.

14th October 2012, 16:08
Its even better when you get a close up view from the terraces....:biggrin:

14th October 2012, 16:20
Football is a good sport, but I hate what its been turned into, and how the players are idolised. I'm also very jealous of their salaries.... VERY VERY JEALOUS. Spitting, yuck.

14th October 2012, 16:30
spitting in sport or just your ordinary folk spitting is just a NO NO:NoNo::NoNo:

14th October 2012, 16:39
I suggest to send these football players to Singapore..so their butts can be whipped by cane in front of the public whenever they spit :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th October 2012, 16:39
Anybody met any tobacco chewing Americans?

14th October 2012, 16:43
i can remember when my sisters and mum worked in this biscuit factory, they use to bus people in from everywhere, lots of indian ladies and on the production line these ladies use to spit into one hand while picking the buscuits with the other, i never asked them which hand:yikes:

14th October 2012, 16:45
India..... whats that red stuff that they constantly spit out.... Makes want to vomit, and thats partly the reason why I don't ever want to go back there.

14th October 2012, 16:48
India..... whats that red stuff that they constantly spit out.... Makes want to vomit, and thats partly the reason why I don't ever want to go back there.


14th October 2012, 16:49
India..... whats that red stuff that they constantly spit out.... Makes want to vomit, and thats partly the reason why I don't ever want to go back there.

Red Man or Red Kneck or something like that?

I came across a lot of chaps from the southern states that did exactly that.....

I tried some once. Yuk. Extremely strong stuff.

14th October 2012, 16:59
India..... whats that red stuff that they constantly spit out.... Makes want to vomit, and thats partly the reason why I don't ever want to go back there.

Betel leaf.
Sometimes they wrap other stuff in the leaf.
Very old tradition.
Used to drive me mad.

14th October 2012, 17:03
spitting it should be a sport in its own right, how about at the olympics , a gold flem medal :icon_lol:

14th October 2012, 17:09
Here's another sport that does....

"The question has been flooding our inbox and comments sections since the swimming competition began on Saturday. "Why do swimmers spit all the time?"
They don't do it like baseball players; they dip their heads into the pool, open their mouths, collect water and force it through their lips. What's the deal with that?"


14th October 2012, 17:11
Here's another sport that does....

"The question has been flooding our inbox and comments sections since the swimming competition began on Saturday. "Why do swimmers spit all the time?"
They don't do it like baseball players; they dip their heads into the pool, open their mouths, collect water and force it through their lips. What's the deal with that?"


playing at being whales ?:Erm:

or testing the water for urine?

14th October 2012, 17:12
And rugby players too....


14th October 2012, 17:12
Betel leaf.
Sometimes they wrap other stuff in the leaf.
Very old tradition.
Used to drive me mad.

Same as what we call in the Philippines as "nganga"...check http://www.foodrecap.net/health/nganga-moma/ and http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/a-nicotine-high

14th October 2012, 17:27
I suggest to send these football players to Singapore..so their butts can be whipped by cane in front of the public whenever they spit :xxgrinning--00xx3:

More common sense from Singapore :xxgrinning--00xx3: Home of the emptiest jails in the world

14th October 2012, 17:32
The scandanavians quite like chewing tobacco too. I do recall seeing it during my time in Sweden.


Chew and spit. Ding. :biggrin:

Evidently leads to mouth cancer.

14th October 2012, 17:46
I have seen a lot of this:


Michael Parnham
14th October 2012, 18:31
Spitting is disgusting under any circumstances, but having mentioned Singapore has made my day, because Britain should enforce exactly the same laws as Singapore!

14th October 2012, 18:59
Spitting is disgusting under any circumstances, but having mentioned Singapore has made my day, because Britain should enforce exactly the same laws as Singapore!

Nominated for "Post of The Week" :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th October 2012, 19:17
Heres a couple of culprits:



14th October 2012, 21:14
Top 10: Worst spitting incidents in football

The most atrocious being of course the Rudi Voller / Frank Rijkaard incident in the video in the link.

John Terry at No 8.


Doc Alan
14th October 2012, 23:50
Chew and spit. Ding. :biggrin:

Evidently leads to mouth cancer.

Correct ( http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Cancer-of-the-mouth/Pages/Causes-v2.aspx ).

15th October 2012, 00:48
No :anerikke: So no sporting reason exists as to why footballers do it as they play a lot less than tennis players and don't use as much energy.

I used to play both games and tennis was far less tiring than football.. No doubt about it.
That doesn't mean I condone gobbing in public etc.

15th October 2012, 09:50
Spitting is a real public health problem in some parts of London caused by immigrants from the indian sub continent


Usual story if they hit enough of them with the £80.00 fines they'd soon stop this repulsive behaviour

15th October 2012, 10:06
I used to play both games and tennis was far less tiring than football.. No doubt about it.
That doesn't mean I condone gobbing in public etc.

Both footy and tennis players burn an average of 518 calories an hour. Footballers are only on the pitch for 90 minutes though, tennis players 2-5 hours, so they can burn 1000-2500+ compared with around 770 a footballer will use during a game. Hence the reason tennis players have to eat and drink during a game to ensure they keep up energy levels, whereas footballers will only snack at half-time.

15th October 2012, 19:03
When I played the Saturday and Sunday league local football anyone who spat in anothers face usually got a hefty smack in the Jaw!
Totally unacceptable worse than a bad tackle.

16th October 2012, 09:01
Totally unacceptable worse than a bad tackle.

Spitting or getting punched? :Erm: :biggrin: