View Full Version : Visitors visa

15th October 2012, 00:33
Hi i am looking on advice for my filipina woman to visit me in the Uk
would she be best applying to visit her auntie (Ate) or me her fiancee
can someone tell me the best way to do this as there is not much advice on forums
i have visited her and we are very much in love
she has a familly member here in Uk who is willing to do whatever for her to visit but we are unsure of the best route
i would have liked to bring my woman on a fiancee visa but right now i cant meet the financial criteria so just want her here so much that will axcept a visit off course i will incur the costs but i am self employed and our books always fall short of the silly amount required and as we are already in this tax year i cannot make my books meet this demand so it will be the next tax year for me.
i miss my woman so much and just to chat on yahoo messenger is not enough for me i want her by my side now
any help is greatly appreciated
thanking you all in advance Matt

15th October 2012, 06:34
It's a challenging visa to obtain in your situation, but by no means impossible. Primarily you'll need to prove that she has no intention of working and settling illegally in the UK, or to put it another way that she has a good reason to leave the UK on completion of her trip. Also needs to prove she has enough funds.
So proof would include having a job in the Philippines that will allow her a holiday and that she can return to afterwards (a letter from her employer would help). In addition showing that there are enough funds for the trip. A good supporting letter from you explaining and outlining the reason for the trip and justifying it all. I believe that family visit visas are generally harder to obtain, but whoever is going to be the sponsor/accomodation for her in the UK should really apply and provide all the correct letters and supporting evidence from their side.

16th October 2012, 00:02
Hi and thanks for the reply
sadly my woman has no job so is there another answer we can give to prove she will return
also is it not possible for her to just visit the uk for a personal holiday as i did when i went to phills ie no criteria needed
thanks for any help:Help1: