View Full Version : UK soon to spend less on Police than foreign aid

15th October 2012, 09:56
Foreign aid spending to overtake police budget: Taxpayers to fork out £12.6billion a year on international aid in 2014

Taxpayers will be forking out only £12.1billion on police forces in 2014
Coalition decided to increase aid budget while imposing cuts elsewhere
Justine Greening trying to get EU to stop giving aid to wealthy countries

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217634/Foreign-aid-spending-12-6billion-overtake-police-budget.html#ixzz29M92KgPO

An absolute disgrace :cwm23:

15th October 2012, 12:21
crazy :Brick::NoNo:

15th October 2012, 19:45
I must say that I have been surprised by present tories and their attitudes regarding Policing.
Recently in London during the Mayoral elections it became obvious that Boris had cut the number of Police in the Capital in comparison to when reptile Ken was in charge. During the Riots we had to be calling in reinforcements from all over the country.
I for one would be more than happy to see a huge reduction in foreign aid especially as we are all tightening our belts at the moment.
I'm sure someone said that in times of recession crime figures go up so it would make sense to increase the numbers of Police on the street.

15th October 2012, 19:46
what was that on the tv adverts the other night about chosing your police comissioner or something like that