View Full Version : getting married in phils..

16th October 2012, 23:01
hello,, can someone help me pls..

i'm currently in uk and already married to a british man. we are planning to have our church wedding some time next year but we don't know what are the requirements.

does anyone know what to do? thank you..

17th October 2012, 14:45
Hello bhem_bhem, welcome to the forum :Wave:

Are you thinking of a Catholic ceremony (convalidation)?
Are you thinking here in UK or are you considering in the Philippines?

You first step must be to contact the church you plan to use and to seek advice from there. There can be quite a few issues to talk through.
As you know, the church looks upon marriage as more of a spiritual reality, rather than just a contractual legal formality.

Good luck with your plans.

My wife and I have been married 3 times in 3 different countries. The last time was a church wedding in the Philippines.

She gets 3 anniversary gifts each year :heartshape1:

17th October 2012, 15:13
Hello terpe, I am catholic but my hubby has no religion and we are planning to get married in Philippines (Had my civil wedding here in uk)..

I have search on Internet bout it but it didn't actually answer my question as I want everything to be organised and I can start planning for my wedding. Guess I have no choice but to ring the church..

Thnx for ur help,, lucky for ur wife to get 3 gifts every year,, :)

17th October 2012, 18:50
Hello terpe, I am catholic but my hubby has no religion and we are planning to get married in Philippines (Had my civil wedding here in uk)..

I have search on Internet bout it but it didn't actually answer my question as I want everything to be organised and I can start planning for my wedding. Guess I have no choice but to ring the church..

Thnx for ur help,, lucky for ur wife to get 3 gifts every year,, :)

Now that I read your post again I can see that you want it in the Philippines.
Sorry for my mistake there.

There are a few members here who have done that as I recall. Hopefully they'll reply here with their experience.

Have you tried to do a search ?

Are you intended to marry in a church from your home town?
If so you could always contact the local priest. I'm pretty sure he will have an e-mail. Most of the priests seem to be well equipped with good gadgets.

I'll try to do a search for you later. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
But I think if your husband is not Catholic you'll need to communicate carefully with your priest.

17th October 2012, 19:00
This post might give you an insight, http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39532-CENOMAR-CNI-and-Marriage-in-the-Philippines?p=390200#post390200

17th October 2012, 19:11
aww,, thnx for ur help..

if it will complicate things (him as non-catholic), we are thinking of making him a catholic over here, if u know what i mean.. we can't stay in philippines for long coz of the business..

ive looked on our local church website but unfortunately it's only telephone number in there,,

i've asked my family to go but still haven't heard from them..

it's either im too excited to prepare everything for my wedding or im too bored doing nothing at home.. lol..:biggrin:

18th October 2012, 05:37
It's absolutely no problems for a non catholic to marry a catholic in the church. That link I posted explains a little more about that.

18th October 2012, 05:39
The conversion process to catholism isn't a quick one.

18th October 2012, 07:19
My wife and i where married in the catholic church in the Philippines in the 90,s. I needed to have my baptismal certificate sent over from the UK before the wedding. You can get married in a non catholic church much easier.

18th October 2012, 10:21
C. For Single Foreigners:

1. Civil Status Certificate from the respective Consulate/Embassy (CNI)
2. Permit/Recommendations from Catholic Parish (even if the foreigner belongs to other religious sects since he/she is marrying a Catholic this time)
3. Baptismal Certificate (for Catholic persons)
4. Confirmation Certificate (for Catholic persons)
5. Birth Certificate for non-Catholics

1. Couples are required to undergo Pre-Cana Seminar
2. For mixed-marriages (Catholic and non-Catholic) dispensation must be secured. Banns are no longer required according to Canon Law.
3. Please wear decent attire when you come for the interview.
4. To ease some problems beforehand, consultations may be made at the Chancery long before the marriage is to be scheduled.

18th October 2012, 10:22
presumably as your already married, you would only need to produce the civil marriage certificate

18th October 2012, 11:57
presumably as your already married, you would only need to produce the civil marriage certificate

thnx for ur help.. yeah was wondering if i still need to get that CNI and CENOMAR if im already married to my husband..