View Full Version : Child benefit cuts: Millions of letters to be sent 'soon'

17th October 2012, 08:01
:crazy: so if one person earns £50k or more they lose some or all the child benefit, but if you both earn £49k your ok :doh

Millions of parents will be getting a letter within the next month from HM Revenue and Customs spelling out how their child benefit could be cut.


17th October 2012, 22:10
Same here. 2014.


17th October 2012, 22:33
yes i saw that on the bbc news this morning lastlid, but couldnt find a link :doh

what do you think of this lastlid, i think you worked in the oil industry..


17th October 2012, 22:39
yes i saw that on the bbc news this morning lastlid, but couldnt find a link :doh

what do you think of this lastlid, i think you worked in the oil industry..

I still do Joe.

Yes. Deepwater Horizon. Bad news. I used to work for one of the alleged culprits.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/theres-a-really-good-reason-offshore-drilling-is-down-under-obama-and-it-has-to-do-with-the-deepwater-horizon-disaster-2012-10#ixzz29ayhcZdo

20th October 2012, 14:59
If you’re a woman and you’re not working while bringing up your children, be aware that while you claim child benefit, and while your youngest child is 12 or under, you can still earn National Insurance credits towards your state pension.
The government has said it’s going to make sure that women will be able to claim these credits even if they or their partner earn too much to get child benefit.

21st October 2012, 03:04
They should have sent these letters out years ago IMO!!
I wonder why it took them so long?

21st October 2012, 06:04
If you’re a woman and you’re not working while bringing up your children, be aware that while you claim child benefit, and while your youngest child is 12 or under, you can still earn National Insurance credits towards your state pension.
The government has said it’s going to make sure that women will be able to claim these credits even if they or their partner earn too much to get child benefit.

wasnt that the idea behind child bennefit ex family allowance as it used to be called, designed with the intention that it was paid to the mother and not the father to makes sure it went to the use of the children and not in the fathers pocket to buy his beer

22nd October 2012, 15:16
If you’re a woman and you’re not working while bringing up your children, be aware that while you claim child benefit, and while your youngest child is 12 or under, you can still earn National Insurance credits towards your state pension.
The government has said it’s going to make sure that women will be able to claim these credits even if they or their partner earn too much to get child benefit. I never knew this Terpe? Been here for 3 years now. Iam not working at the moment and I have a child under 12. We claim child benefit only. How can I claim NI credit? Thanks!

23rd October 2012, 08:28
I never knew this Terpe? Been here for 3 years now. Iam not working at the moment and I have a child under 12. We claim child benefit only. How can I claim NI credit? Thanks!

Take a look at the HMRC webpage National Insurance credits (http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/ni/intro/credits.htm) which gives background information and also the address to send your claim.