View Full Version : how days can be so different

18th October 2012, 07:05
funny how one day can be so different from the next, some great some like your worst nightmare, is it because of the work we do, or is it down to yourself,they say no two days are the same but why, whats it like if you have no work , retired i mean are your days the same

18th October 2012, 09:50
I am having great days right now Steve. Everyday I am learning. I was out at a sub supplier yesterday, I scrapped/rejected all the work he had done and he then took me out for a lovely business lunch... cool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tomorrow, I am going again to the same sub supplier, and the chances are very high that I will again reject all he has to show me, then he will take me out for a business lunch... cool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not every day is the same, but life is what you make it good or bad. I am happy to go to work whatever the outcome, my attitude has completely changed. Roll on tomorrow :Jump: