View Full Version : Stood up in the philippines

21st October 2012, 04:34
I read a few months ago about a german national that arrived in manila to meet his g f for the first time and she never showed up.he got frustrated and took it out on the airport staff and was arrested so that he could calm down .has this ever happened to any forum members ? nothing to be ashamed of as it does happen ,its just the ultimate nightmare travelling 8000 miles to meet someone and finding yourself being stood up for one reason or another .how do think you would handle the situation if it happened to you ?

21st October 2012, 05:32
I read a few months ago about a german national that arrived in manila to meet his g f for the first time and she never showed up.he got frustrated and took it out on the airport staff and was arrested so that he could calm down .has this ever happened to any forum members ? nothing to be ashamed of as it does happen ,its just the ultimate nightmare travelling 8000 miles to meet someone and finding yourself being stood up for one reason or another .how do think you would handle the situation if it happened to you ?

Well, it never happened to me, but i think if it did, I would book into a hotel in the city and take a nice long walk around the Mall of Asia or the Green Belt and say hello to the many beautiful ladies who work in the shops. They all smile so nicely, it would be hard not to ask one for a date. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2012, 05:37
Well, it never happened to me, but i think if it did, I would book into a hotel in the city and take a nice long walk around the Mall of Asia or the Green Belt and say hello to the many beautiful ladies who work in the shops. They all smile so nicely, it would be hard not to ask one for a date. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

agree with that, i would certainly make the best of it :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
21st October 2012, 09:36
When I went to Dmaguete to meet my Maritess, she never turned up, so I called her and she was having a sleep! I did meet her a few hours later but soon realised it was something to do with Philippine time.

21st October 2012, 10:56
I hope it does not happen to me ,,,,

21st October 2012, 11:00
i'm sure I remember that has happened to a couple of people on here over the years, but they were probably scammed from the start :NoNo:

21st October 2012, 11:08
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. :wink:

It sounds to me as if the gentleman in question had neither the temperament nor the common sense to succeed in such a relationship anyway. Perhaps the young lady also got off lightly by not showing up to meet such a naive idiot.

Do your research people.

21st October 2012, 20:09
mmmm,, is graham suggesting, perhaps, to arrange multiple meetings on a trip,,,,, at different times i suppose !!!

21st October 2012, 21:21
Don't blame the girl. He was German after all :icon_lol::icon_lol:

21st October 2012, 22:01
mmmm,, is graham suggesting, perhaps, to arrange multiple meetings on a trip,,,,, at different times i suppose !!!

Well I know I did 22 years ago....and in the end married a totally different one I just 'happened to meet' while on that first trip.

As a sensible Yorkshireman I wasn't going to put all my hard-earned on one Fili' . :biggrin:

22nd October 2012, 02:42
Make lemonade. She doesn't turn up...........book into hotel, lots of bars, lots of beers, hit the beach, go home with suntan and no ties :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2012, 07:22
When I went to Dmaguete to meet my Maritess, she never turned up, so I called her and she was having a sleep! I did meet her a few hours later but soon realised it was something to do with Philippine time.

Timekeeping there is always in a rough range :wink:

10am normally means anything up to midday or even 1pm

Ako Si Jamie
3rd January 2013, 23:53
It wouldn't surprise me if this guy had sent a whole bunch of cash to the girl beforehand.

4th January 2013, 00:32
Western Union sponsor ? :REGamblMoney01HL1:

Ako Si Jamie
4th January 2013, 01:18

4th January 2013, 10:35
I would be pissed off to say the least. But would go and enjoy my holiday and who knows, may end up with a decent person in the end.

I have already told mine that I will book in a hotel when I come, she said I can stay at her family home..... we shall see.

4th January 2013, 10:38
I met an oddball old guy in Honkers,he was maybe 55-60?he always used to be in the wanchai bars,his name was 'arry and he was an east-ender,this was in the days of snail mail,he had started writing to this girl in deepest darkest mindanao and decided to surprise her :icon_lol: Got on a plane from UK,flew to manila then made his way down to mindanao,turned up in the village at her house and found the girl he had been writing to was already engaged or married to a pinoy,in a way he was stood up I guess :doh so he married her teenage sister instead :Erm: they came to honkers to live,he divorced his pinay wife and married a sri-lankan :Erm:

4th January 2013, 11:41
I wonder if it happens to the gf also?
Maybe the guy has 2 or 3 ladies lined up for a meeting. Makes all the arrangements etc etc and now all gf's are thrilled and excited.

Do any get stood up or is everyone a gent who cancels the meeting in with apologies?

4th January 2013, 11:56
I wonder if it happens to the gf also?
Certainly does,your always going to get guys who go on collect-and-select sex-tours,chat to a number of women in manila-cebu-davaomfly over,spend a week or so in each city,sleep with as many of the internet-dating chatmates as possible then fly back home planning on repeating the process again next year,there are websites dedicated to it where guys go on showing pics,giving techniques etc,I met a couple of such guys on cebu in fuente osmena once,they had chelsea tattoos on their calves which drew my attention and I started chatting to them,they were there to bed as many women as possible,one told me it made a change from spain.

4th January 2013, 12:26
Certainly does,your always going to get guys who go on collect-and-select sex-tours,chat to a number of women in manila-cebu-davaomfly over,spend a week or so in each city,sleep with as many of the internet-dating chatmates as possible then fly back home planning on repeating the process again next year,there are websites dedicated to it where guys go on showing pics,giving techniques etc,I met a couple of such guys on cebu in fuente osmena once,they had
chelsea tattoos on their calves which drew my attention and I started chatting to them,they were there to bed as many women as possible,one told me it made a change from spain.

Dedworth busted lol :icon_lol: