View Full Version : fireworks and bonfire night

4th November 2012, 08:24
i say bonfire night but it seems to be bonfire month with fire works going off so many days, anyway what prat lets of there fireworks after they come back from the pub, surely this is when it should be banned and also why do they let the loudest fireworks of last:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

4th November 2012, 09:40
Fireworks are banned here, except for authorised events, and in many respects I'm glad. As much as I enjoy a good firework show, I think the general public are too stupid to be left alone with mini explosives

4th November 2012, 11:36
I wondered what all that racket was last night. :Erm:

At least trick or treat has finished and I can put the lights back on again. :biggrin:


4th November 2012, 11:46
At least trick or treat has finished and I can put the lights back on again. :biggrin:
they caught us out the other night, bloody teenagers, should have seen there faces after we gave them all a fredo choc bar:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:


4th November 2012, 11:55
I have to put the cars out of sight so they don't give them a kick on the way out...or get bombarded with spent rockets. :icon_rolleyes: