View Full Version : North firms named and shamed over illegal workers

4th November 2012, 13:29
dedworth looks like those that did get fined have not been paying up :doh

Immigrations officers have launched a bid to recover more than £80,000 from eleven businesses across the North who have failed to pay civil penalties imposed for employing illegal workers.


4th November 2012, 16:09
They should jail the owners/directors until they cough up

4th November 2012, 21:03
at last... i posted on another thread seeking info on how many companies that have been told they might be fined have actually been fined... at least now i know that some have :Jump:

4th November 2012, 21:14
at last... i posted on another thread seeking info on how many companies that have been told they might be fined have actually been fined... at least now i know that some have :Jump:

If you would like such information you can actually ask UKBA under the Freedom of Information Act. They will tell you.

Take a look here - Make a new Freedom of Information request (http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/?gclid=CMueyMCPtrMCFebLtAod9AoArg)

Perhaps you'll share the outcome :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th November 2012, 10:35
If you would like such information you can actually ask UKBA under the Freedom of Information Act. They will tell you.

Take a look here - Make a new Freedom of Information request (http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/?gclid=CMueyMCPtrMCFebLtAod9AoArg)

Perhaps you'll share the outcome :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good Morning Terpe - I did similar a few weeks ago - here is the waffle in response :-

Thank you for your email of 28 September requesting information about civil penalties for employing illegal workers. Your enquiry has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.
You have requested information about publicising illegal working visits on the UKBA website and questioned why the decision was taken to publicise an update to the visits which now included details of the final outcome of the civil penalty imposed on the employer and the removal of the workers encountered. You also queried the reasons why the business was fined £10,000 in total instead of the maximum £10,000 per illegal worker.
There has been no change in policy about the publication of information about illegal working visits and information on visits has been put on the UKBA website since the start of the regime in 2008. Our press office will always try to demonstrate to the general public the outcomes of our activity, show results of the actions the agency has taken and promote and support the operational aims of the UKBA.
You should also be aware that in some cases the local press may have requested an update to an individual case that has been deemed to be newsworthy in the local community. In these cases the press office has a duty to respond in full with the current position of any case.
Publication of the particular story that you referred to followed the business’s inclusion on the quarterly list of non-compliant employers on the UKBA website (see link below) and it was therefore updated in recognition of the time that had elapsed since the visit had taken place to reflect the current outcome for the two workers who had been encountered during the visit.
In regard to the level of the penalty in this particular case, this has been calculated using the framework for assessment of level of civil penalty as set out in the Civil Penalties for Employers Code of Practice February 2008. This states that “The level of penalty to be imposed per worker may be increased or reduced according to different criteria”. Appendix 2 shows the flowchart for the determination of a civil penalty. As per the flow chart, the initial civil penalty starts at £10,000 per illegal worker but this will be reduced by £2,500 per illegal worker if it is a first visit to an employer since 29th February 2008. The penalty will be reduced by a further £2,500 per illegal worker if the employer cooperated with the visit. The penalty value has therefore been set at £5,000 per illegal worker.
If you are dissatisfied with this response you may request an independent internal review of our handling of your request by submitting a complaint within two months to the address below, quoting reference 24428. If you ask for an internal review, it would be helpful if you could say why you are dissatisfied with the response.
UK Border Agency Central Freedom of Information Team 11th Floor Lunar House, Short Corridor 40 Wellesley Road Croydon CR9 2BY
During the independent review the department’s handling of your information request will be reassessed by staff who were not involved in providing you with this response. Should you remain dissatisfied after this internal review, you will have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner as established by section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act

5th November 2012, 13:17
Thanks for that Dedworth, and may I say well done for your efforts. More power to you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Have to agree that there is a lot of waffle in getting to the facts about the level of those penalties.

Another interesting UKBA fact decoded.

5th November 2012, 14:13
£10k fine and its reduce so much no wonder they are not paying :doh

how about a £2.5k knocked off if you pay in 30 days :laugher:

6th November 2012, 14:06
thanks Dedworth for your efforts and relevant post - very informative :Jump:

but am I missing something :Help1:

the UKBA information states
These reports list employers on whom we have imposed civil penalties for not complying with illegal working legislation etc

Imposed civil penalties < I'm unsure whether this means civil fines passed onto the employer or paid/recovered fines received from employer :Brick:

6th November 2012, 15:33
Didnt you tell them we could do a better job Ded?:biggrin:

6th November 2012, 15:47
they don't pay in 30 days, then they should close the business down, untill the amount is paid in full, including costs and interest

6th November 2012, 15:55
they don't pay in 30 days, then they should close the business down, untill the amount is paid in full, including costs and interest

6th November 2012, 16:00
Didnt you tell them we could do a better job Ded?:biggrin:

I did Andy - they said I'd have to apply to get the A Team on the tender list - as you know outfits like Crapita and G4S get all the work :biggrin:

6th November 2012, 16:06
thanks Dedworth for your efforts and relevant post - very informative :Jump:

but am I missing something :Help1:

the UKBA information states

Imposed civil penalties < I'm unsure whether this means civil fines passed onto the employer or paid/recovered fines received from employer :Brick:

Phil -"Civil Penalty" would appear to be UKBA terminology for the financial penalty imposed on an employer hiring illegals - it only gets imposed if the rogue employer cannot prove that they carried out ID checks etc on the germs. It is a max of £10k per worker but as we've seen the max is seldom applied. I think it is a civil fine and only becomes criminal much, much further along the line after prolonged non payment - (all part of the predictable limpwristed approach to this scourge on society). If you search the forum I think Joe Bloggs once found a court report on a 'Stani restaurant owner who's just about the only person to have gone to jail over this.

6th November 2012, 16:29
I did Andy - they said I'd have to apply to get the A Team on the tender list - as you know outfits like Crapita and G4S get all the work :biggrin:

Oh I forgot we would have to employ illegal workers to get the contract.:icon_rolleyes:

6th November 2012, 16:39
Oh I forgot we would have to employ illegal workers to get the contract.:icon_rolleyes:

:laugher: You've hit the nail on the head Andy