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4th November 2012, 17:16
Hi to all
i have a question that i would like help with
does anyone know if the £18.600 criteria is gross or net
thanks in advance for any help

4th November 2012, 17:31
Matt. I believe it is gross.

stevie c
4th November 2012, 17:55
Yes I'm pretty sure it is gross

4th November 2012, 18:05
Yep it's gross.

4th November 2012, 18:56
thanks to all off you for the answer
think i will have to change from self employed to being a worker grrrrr
just cant meet that criteria doing my own business but have had a job offer and needed to know if £360 a week was the gross figure or it would make a big difference in the wages needed
thank you all again