View Full Version : Apple paid less than 2% tax on earnings outside US

5th November 2012, 14:24
who does pay tax :doh

Last year, Apple is estimated to have avoided over £550m in tax in the UK.

The company paid $713m in taxes on $36.87bn in foreign profits

Apple has paid less than 2% in taxes for profits generated outside of the US in the last fiscal year, according to a regulatory filing by the company.

read more here .. http://security.cbronline.com/news/apple-paid-less-than-2-tax-on-earnings-outside-us-051112

5th November 2012, 17:08
Parasite companies like this need bringing to book.

Arthur Little
5th November 2012, 17:13
Parasite companies like this need bringing to book.

:iagree: ... Apple's tax evasion is enough to give you the "pip"!

5th November 2012, 19:18
Apple, Starbucks they're all the same. Really cannot see any benefit in not going after them. They need us more than we need them.