View Full Version : Wiggo in hospital

8th November 2012, 09:25
A stupid woman pulled out in front of him - I hope she gets prosecuted. I had a close shave on the bike recently, no amount of caution obviates the careless maniacs on our roads.


8th November 2012, 09:36
Women drivers...say no more.:NoNo:

Too many incompetent people on our crowded roads nowadays, often STILL with phones clapped to their cloth ears as I observed a few times when out and about yesterday.

I hope her tears and excuses are ignored and a hefty fine and points are imposed.

We can do with more good role models for our kids like Wiggins and less air-headed careless idiots behind steering wheels. :mad:

Then again, it might not have been her fault.:Erm:

8th November 2012, 10:13
I've lost count how many times I've been knocked off my bike by a car.... it never done me any harm though :Cuckoo:

8th November 2012, 10:30
Tell me about it. Your not safe in your car either.

8th November 2012, 10:32
Tell me about it. Your not safe in your car either.

How do you know what it's like in my car? :Erm: :biggrin:

8th November 2012, 10:37
I have my spies win.:biggrin:

8th November 2012, 10:39
I have my spies win.:biggrin:

Well tell them not to follow me into the toilet they may go blind :omg:

8th November 2012, 10:42

8th November 2012, 11:01
I've lost count how many times I've been knocked off my bike by a car.... it never done me any harm though :Cuckoo:

Were you doing 40mph on your bike like Wiggo :biggrin:

8th November 2012, 11:15
Cycling is both hazardous and risky on certain roads. There are certain roads that I wont cycle on as sooner or later someone is likely to knock you off your bike.

Last year I cycled to work. This year I dont. And a lot is down to the type of roads along route and how busy they are.

As I sit at home with a broken collar bone, it would be of no consolation to me to be able to say, that it was the fault of the driver of the car that hit me, compensation or no compensation.

8th November 2012, 11:20
Life is a risk Lastlid.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
8th November 2012, 16:35
I had a close shave on the bike recently

:cwm24: ... ohh ... I'm glad you're none the worse! Alas ... :bigcry: shaving while cycling doesn't really "gel"! :biggrin:

no amount of caution obviates the careless maniacs on our roads.

Hmm ... :yeahthat: ... seriously, though, :iagree:

8th November 2012, 16:52
Life is a risk Lastlid.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Especially as stats show 100% die :cwm24:

8th November 2012, 17:03
Especially as stats show 100% die :cwm24:

Are you sure about that?

Arthur Little
8th November 2012, 17:22
Are you sure about that?

:anerikke: ... we ALL die sooner or later!

8th November 2012, 17:23
Are you sure about that?

I'll let you know in 2150 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Coach of Team GB has been knocked off his bike and has bleeding on the brain :doh

8th November 2012, 17:24
:anerikke: ... we ALL die sooner or later!

Well, that's a new one on me. :biggrin:

8th November 2012, 17:26
Sorry, folks. I was just trying to say that it pays to be careful as a cyclist on some of our roads. Cyclist v motorist and the cyclist will always lose out. Gold medalist or not.

8th November 2012, 17:32
I'll let you know in 2150 :xxgrinning--00xx3:


8th November 2012, 17:37
'Cycling is not an intrinsically dangerous activity but there is much more to be done to improve conditions for cyclists on the roads.
'British Cycling is calling on the government to put cycling at the heart of transport policy to ensure that cycle safety is built into the design of all new roads, junctions and transport projects, rather than being an afterthought.'

That's the nub of it. I wouldn't be so keen to cycle down the A6 or the Chester Road in Manchester. Many places aren't geared up for cyclists.

8th November 2012, 21:53
Need to speak as a profesional driver on this as it's too one sided!
Many cyclists are a bloody menace and piss me off and I too have a bike.
Lots have no lights on the bikes at all and wear dark clothing at night,the number of times they ride on the pavement then at last minute
right in front of you they rejoin the road without any warning.
Half the silly ..... have headphones on or a having mobile phone conversations while weaving all over the place.
Riding two abreast or even worse those bikes with a little trailer attached to the back with small child in!
But the thing what really gets me is if one of these idiots crash into my car and there are no witnesses who's going to get the blame?
They should have to have insurance as motorists do and spot fines for bad cycling,no lights etc which should apply to us all:cwm23:

8th November 2012, 21:57
I totally agree Les...when cyclists are irresponsible as you've described.

The fact remains that careless people DO pull out in front of vulnerable cyclists (like my own son) who are correctly lit, insured and following the rules of the road.

In these cases the driver should be BANNED for a period IMO.

8th November 2012, 22:04
Well I agree with you and don't forget cars pull out in front of cars too and they have to pay the price.

8th November 2012, 22:37
Did Wiggo have his lights on?

8th November 2012, 22:38
Well, you should see the motor cyclists over here during TT week......:NoNo:

9th November 2012, 11:45
Did Wiggo have his lights on?

No, but his bike did :wink:

9th November 2012, 12:26
No, but his bike did :wink:

9th November 2012, 12:44
You can't have enough lights on ya when your cycling at night, especially at christmas :biggrin:

A lot of people that I saw cycling to work in Aberdeen used to have them in the usual place on the bike, then also on the body. And hi vis jackets aswell. Then the motorist can't say he hasn't seen you / is less likely to not see you.

9th November 2012, 13:37
Any motorist who can't see a cyclist, even without lights, on a lit road shouldn't be on the damn road !

Pay attention to your driving...careless idiots ! :cwm23:

9th November 2012, 13:48
Any motorist who can't see a cyclist, even without lights, on a lit road shouldn't be on the damn road !

In theory yes, agreed. But a lot of people shouldn't be on the road, but are. A lot of people should be focusing on what's in front of them, but don't.

9th November 2012, 14:18
In theory yes, agreed. But a lot of people shouldn't be on the road, but are. A lot of people should be focusing on what's in front of them, but don't.

If they had the will it wouldn't be too difficult for the police to pick up all the unlicensed/uninsured illegals and Eastern Europeans their cars could then be seized and crushed.

9th November 2012, 14:25
No need to worry soon....most of the UKBA records having been 'lost' and amnesty being a distinct possibly for 'whoever'. :NoNo:

Looks like a good time to smuggle that Filipina girlfriend in. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2012, 14:26
If they had the will it wouldn't be too difficult for the police to pick up all the unlicensed/uninsured illegals and Eastern Europeans their cars could then be seized and crushed.

Seen one or two good operations in London by the Police, Public Carriage office immigration and revenue aimed at illegal mini cabs which is a favourite occupation of illegals immigrants. Great when they take the cars off them. How people travel in them is beyond me. They cant speak the language have no insurance and mostly havent got a clue where they're going. :cwm23:

9th November 2012, 14:29
Seen one or two good operations in London by the Police, Public Carriage office immigration and revenue aimed at illegal mini cabs which is a favourite occupation of illegals immigrants. Great when they take the cars off them. How people travel in them is beyond me. They cant speak the language have no insurance and mostly havent got a clue where they're going. :cwm23:

That's good news Marco if it became commonplace throughout the land it would go some way to getting this scourge off our roads and out of our country.

9th November 2012, 14:39
When I worked at the Dept of Employment, the local taxi ranks and companies were one of our favourite hunting grounds for benefit fraudsters....but of course at least they did have an identity. :icon_rolleyes:

9th November 2012, 23:27
Is cycling getting more dangerous?


9th November 2012, 23:38
That's good news Marco if it became commonplace throughout the land it would go some way to getting this scourge off our roads and out of our country.

You want to take a trip up the West End now Ded and see the shower of ..... riding these Pedicabs around at night .Mostly Eastern Europeans and they've got no insurance and have there own idea of the highway code. Plying for trade all around the west end and no licencing required. :cwm23:

10th November 2012, 00:20
Must be the next step up from the hot-dog stand. :NoNo:

19th November 2012, 20:28
Mark Cavendish hits car in training crash in Italy


19th November 2012, 20:30
Well I agree with you and don't forget cars pull out in front of cars too and they have to pay the price.
I will vouch for that.:xxgrinning--00xx3: