View Full Version : Jack Duckworth (Bill Tarmey) Dies

9th November 2012, 15:00
Passed away in Tenerife.

A piece of the furniture in Coronation Street for decades, not something I watched, but met him once and he was a funny guy.

9th November 2012, 15:28
I hope he got his glasses fixed.....

9th November 2012, 15:39
I hope he got his glasses fixed.....

Jack? No way!!!..
He may have upgraded the masking tape to duct tape but thats about all..
I`ll miss the stupid ole bugger...Thats for sure!
RIP...You silly ole northern bugger ya! God speed!!

9th November 2012, 15:43
He was one of the better characters in the days before it turned to ....

RIP sir.

stevie c
9th November 2012, 16:52
Rip bill tarmey a great character... Also had a decent voice too I recall him singing wind beneath my wings

9th November 2012, 17:02
Yes, I believe he was a pro singer earlier in his career. :smile:

stevie c
9th November 2012, 17:10
He will now be back with his beloved pigeons :smile:

9th November 2012, 17:19
Loved the scene where he did a dating video called himself something like Brett Sinclair lol

Arthur Little
9th November 2012, 19:37
:iagree: ... a 'National Institution'! RIP.

9th November 2012, 20:49
Loved the scene where he did a dating video called himself something like Brett Sinclair lol


9th November 2012, 21:27
Yay found the clip nearly got it right Vince St. Clair not Brett (that was Roger Moore)

9th November 2012, 21:35
I have never been much of a Corrie watcher. My ex wife was. I watched the occasional episode. Seen a lot of the cast around Manchester at various times. And seen the set which is in the backstreets of Manchester, next to the Science and Industry Museum.

9th November 2012, 21:45
oh pigeon poop :biggrin: rip jack