View Full Version : New guy in Cyprus

19th November 2012, 17:18

Ok, I'm not in the UK and don't intend to be, but I am British and origionaly from the UK. I live in Cyprus and am in a relationship with a lovely Philipina woman, which is going well and looks like it will end up in marriage. This site looks friendly and potentially a good place to learn from others who have gone before, so that is why I am here. All advice welcome and appreciated.

Arthur Little
19th November 2012, 18:07
Paphos, eh? :smile: Nice part of Cyprus ... once spent a week's holiday in Paphos! Quiet(ish) :biggrin: ... but suited me fine.

Paul ... :welcomex: to our friendly site ... you'll find lots of knowledgeable and helpful folks here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2012, 18:14

Ok, I'm not in the UK and don't intend to be, but I am British and origionaly from the UK. I live in Cyprus and am in a relationship with a lovely Philipina woman, which is going well and looks like it will end up in marriage. This site looks friendly and potentially a good place to learn from others who have gone before, so that is why I am here. All advice welcome and appreciated.

Welcome here Paul, you'll need to be specific about what advice you need.
Since you are not in UK try a search for EEA routes.

19th November 2012, 19:55
First of all welcome to the site. Secondly I dont blame you not wanting to come back here :icon_lol:. Thirdly what advice are you looking for?

22nd November 2012, 16:40
Thanks for the welcome. much appreciated. As to advice, apologies for being non-specific. I'm not looking for legal or immigration advice. Luckily, as Cyprus is an EU country I can live here for ever. My girlfriend has another 2 years on her visa, so if we get married here during that time she gets residency as the spouse of an EU citizen. A 5 year visa at first, then a permanent one if the marriage is still existing. Nice and simple(ish).

The advice I am looking for is regarding what pitfalls I might encounter regarding us being from different cultures, and how to avoid or overcome them. She is not a stranger to Europe, being in Cyprus for 2 years, but is a stranger to the British.

22nd November 2012, 17:44
Filipinas have this trait called "Tampo"..it's like sulking about something, whether it's serious or just for fun..you need to look out for such instances and learn how to deal with it..I'm sure Google has some examples or description of it. Filipinas tend to adapt easily to other cultures so there won't be any problem about that. But always make sure that you're still there to guide her about other cultures. You can't leave her discovering British culture alone. Make sure she has time for herself too, like going out with friends or having a chat with them. That makes them feel at home away from their families back home. Bonding with her friends too would be a good thing. I'm sure others can add up to this list.

22nd November 2012, 19:23
Not a lot to add to that really. I have found filipinas easy to get on with. I have experienced Tampo which I found strange at first but I know how to overcome it now. As for her going out with friends it depends what kind of background she comes from. My wife is a stay at home girl all are different.

23rd November 2012, 16:13
Ok, hint number 1, watch out for Tampo.

Come on guys, spill the beans. How did you overcome it?