View Full Version : Shyness "My Mahal"

23rd November 2012, 19:24
Maybe some of the filipino wives can answer this one or maybe the guys also...One thing about my wife is her fear to ask me for any help monetary help, I know people will say that means she"s genuine but why still the shyness.

Take today for example I was talking to her and new she had other things on her mind she denied this but I knew something was wrong so I asked her many many times but she said every things fine.

4 hours later she texted to say her mom was ill and she needed 2000 pesos for doctor and meds but was shy to ask me, she very rarely asks me for anything but when she does it takes her days sometimes because she says she"s shy lol.

God I love this girl to bits and have told her just to come out with it if she ever needs anything and that I am her husband and she can ask for anything and if I have it then I will give it to her also whats mine is hers.

This is just a post to say that I know there are many devious people out there but my mahal is just shy lol and thats why I love her so much...

23rd November 2012, 19:39
My wife has never really asked me for money. She asks for very little.

23rd November 2012, 19:57
Maybe thats the answer lastlid so proud and independent I suppose thats one thing she certainly is...

23rd November 2012, 20:12
Sounds just like my Mrs mark. I think when they say shy they mean ashamed.

23rd November 2012, 20:18
whats mine is yours and what is yours is mine too, that way its all shared

23rd November 2012, 20:22
I know Andy if only she new what I would sacrifice for her mate I told her many times she is my world and she keeps saying how do I deserve a guy in a million like you lol, she told me once that she was given the impression by some people of how western guys are and were perceived as obnoxious and pig headed :crazy: guys I said I heard things about filipino girls but we were both wrong :laugher:

23rd November 2012, 20:27
My Mrs told me the same. I wonder if they give them a book to read on the subject at school?:laugher:. Joking apart they are very loving and so much different to most british women that I have met.

23rd November 2012, 20:27
Very true steve

23rd November 2012, 20:29
Sounds just like my Mrs mark. I think when they say shy they mean ashamed.

Also I think that my wife at least, has spent all her life having to be careful with what little money her family had, that it is ingrained in her.

23rd November 2012, 20:43
Sometimes us ladies express our feelings via text or emails because we are shy or maybe ashamed like what andy does.

We have this fear that if we might ask you in person, you might say no or you might decline the request.

Also, the language barrier. We can think more before we type a message than up front talking. Correct me if im wrong GIRLS!!! :biggrin:

23rd November 2012, 20:47
Thanks Novie from a filiinos point of view but I have always said if I have it then she can have it especially as I know how much her mom means to her and have always said that her family is also my family and she said today thank you for loving my family, which I do because there are great people...

23rd November 2012, 20:53
One thing I want to know Novie if you dont mind me asking? Do you think you have changed since being over here? Thats for all the ladies here too/ Or do the guys on here think their wives have changed?

23rd November 2012, 21:00
One thing I want to know Novie if you dont mind me asking? Do you think you have changed since being over here? Thats for all the ladies here too/ Or do the guys on here think their wives have changed?

I can say that i havent been change. the only thing that has changed is the language that I talk everyday and the clothing I wear, more thicker but apart from that I havent heard any complaints from me husband, my family and friends.

I think it depends on the circumstances andy, it depends on the person, its attitude and its sorrounding.

23rd November 2012, 21:08
One thing I want to know Novie if you dont mind me asking? Do you think you have changed since being over here? Thats for all the ladies here too/ Or do the guys on here think their wives have changed?

indeed Andy yes Ems has changed, and i think most will

23rd November 2012, 21:11
Sometimes us ladies express our feelings via text or emails because we are shy or maybe ashamed like what andy does.

We have this fear that if we might ask you in person, you might say no or you might decline the request.

Also, the language barrier. We can think more before we type a message than up front talking. Correct me if im wrong GIRLS!!! :biggrin:

its good to say no sometimes but explaining why the answer is no is a must, but you should always ask,the language barrier, well its us men who should feel ackward about that,i admire all you ladies that work hard to come here and sucide too

23rd November 2012, 21:14
its good to say no sometimes but explaining why the answer is no is a must, but you should always ask,the language barrier, well its us men who should feel ackward about that,i admire all you ladies that work hard to come here and sucide too

Suicide ? :omg:

23rd November 2012, 21:22
I think steve meant settle lastlid. Maybe Em is distracting him.:icon_lol:

23rd November 2012, 21:23
sorry and no excuses my spelling is poor, thats another thing my Ems is very good at, but hey, always ask me what i have ment to spell, and if i have offended anyone in my sphelling well someones got to do it:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2012, 21:25
I think steve meant settle lastlid. Maybe Em is distracting him.:icon_lol:

you are part right there Andy, my Em is my dictionary and she is busy talking to her friends, thats when i have to try myself, sometimes it sounds right but spelt wrong

23rd November 2012, 21:26

23rd November 2012, 21:30
I presume Steve meant succeed? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But I read it as suicide at first....:biggrin:

23rd November 2012, 21:35
its good to say no sometimes but explaining why the answer is no is a must, but you should always ask,the language barrier, well its us men who should feel ackward about that,i admire all you ladies that work hard to come here and sucide too

Us ladies feel awkward about it as we cant explain much in English as much as we can explain it in our own language but yes explaining why its a NO is important, talking to eachother and making eachother understand is a must.

23rd November 2012, 21:36
neither i ment to say, there be blue birds over the white cliffs of dover:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:thanks lads and lasses for understanding

23rd November 2012, 21:38
Us ladies feel awkward about it as we cant explain much in English as much as we can explain it in our own language but yes explaining why its a NO is important, talking to eachother and making eachother understand is a must.

but have you noticed how much your hubby understands you when you are talking and others find it hard to understand what you are trying to say

23rd November 2012, 21:53
One thing I want to know Novie if you dont mind me asking? Do you think you have changed since being over here? Thats for all the ladies here too/ Or do the guys on here think their wives have changed?

I think I'm turning into a Brit now, moans a lot about the UK and want to go back to my home in Manila! :icon_lol: But seriously, I don't think I've changed, personality wise. The only thing that changed is that here, I don't have money. In the Philippines, I can take care of myself as I was earning a lot there, even if I use my credit cards or have loans, I know I can pay for it. I actually change cellphones every year so my siblings can have the old ones. :biggrin: When I went here, everything's gone. LOL! :icon_lol: Back home, I was so independent when it comes to money. I've never asked money from my parents since I started working. When I got here, I can't even buy my own toiletries and always have to ask hubby. :crazy: I hate that feeling honestly. :NoNo: Even my siblings are telling me they think I was "richer" when I was there..:omg: hahaha :biggrin: Well, that's all the sacrifice I did for love :Cuckoo:

24th November 2012, 00:03
I used to give my missus a couple of quid a week spending money whether she asked for it or not. :smile:

Thankfully she had the bright idea of finding a job.

Happy days... I was 2 quid a week better off and she had enough cash to treat me now and then. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2012, 00:17
Wifey is the same, she doesn't like to ask for anything, goes very quiet if she has to. I keep saying I don't mind, but she's very conscious I once had a girlfriend who royally ripped me off, and is really scared I'll think she's after my money.

Hrmph, if only I had money anyway

24th November 2012, 00:32
and have told her just to come out with it if she ever needs anything and that I am her husband and she can ask for anything and if I have it then I will give it to her also whats mine is hers.

that is what my husband told me also :lovecouple: and just like your wife i dont ask my husband for money because i dont want him to think that i married him for that purpose even when we are not married yet. he even told me if i want to go shopping, i can use his card anytime. i love shopping of course (who doesn't ) but i don't have an expensive taste (unlike his ex-wife :thumbsdown:) and that's why he loves me because i'm very different to all gf's he dad he said :wink::biggrin: :icon_lol:

24th November 2012, 00:47
Thanks MissAna Jamie is so damm independant but so beautiful in that sense god thats why I fell for her big style:luv4: I worry about her now 30 weeks pregnant just wish she was here now I just want to upload our wedding pics just wondering which post to put them on?

24th November 2012, 01:08
There is a wedding pic thread somewhere on here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2012, 03:18
There is a wedding pic thread somewhere on here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

its here check out the link marksroomspain

24th November 2012, 06:14
I find philippina,s are extremly independant my g f had her own income and business when we met .she left bacolod to live in cebu and gave it all up to be with me .she is exactly the same won,t ask me for anything because as she puts it she,s shy to ask me .she is very good with money won,t buy anything thats not needed as she puts it .so i decided to give her my bank card to pay the bills etc and now she gives me an allowance 50 pesos a week hahahaha

24th November 2012, 11:03
I hope you're saving some of that pocket money.....not just squandering it all. :biggrin:

24th November 2012, 16:27
I asked my wife today what she wants for christmas. Her reply, was "anything" which is quite typical.

Makes it hard to pick something though.....:icon_lol:

24th November 2012, 16:32
I asked my wife today what she wants for christmas. Her reply, was "anything" which is quite typical.

Makes it hard to pick something though.....:icon_lol:
Its easy lastlid. Just write on a gift tag (Anything) and wrap it up.:icon_lol:

24th November 2012, 16:45
anything, :icon_lol:but try buying the thing she has not mentioned, thats where we men have to become mind readers

24th November 2012, 17:25
anything, :icon_lol:but try buying the thing she has not mentioned, thats where we men have to become mind readers

Exactly. :icon_lol:

24th November 2012, 17:56
I can say that i havent been change. the only thing that has changed is the language that I talk everyday and the clothing I wear, more thicker but apart from that I havent heard any complaints from me husband, my family and friends.

I think it depends on the circumstances andy, it depends on the person, its attitude and its sorrounding.


21st December 2012, 20:42
One thing I want to know Novie if you dont mind me asking? Do you think you have changed since being over here? Thats for all the ladies here too/ Or do the guys on here think their wives have changed?

Personally, I think some aspects of my personality have changed since relocating in England. Being married, I FELT the need to change my attitude a bit (particularly the TAMPO moments) to reduce the possibility my husband getting grumpy. Also, I have been trying to cope with my husband's lifestyle (pub crawling, fine dining and the like) which I do not usually do in the Philippines. To add to that, I have learned to :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: what is going on in my mind since I have found out that it is pointless keeping it to myself when I could share the burden to somebody. :biggrin:

21st December 2012, 21:02
Like MissAna, having an inexpensive taste helps in some ways especially when the belt is tight. I am using David's other debit card and he was always surprised to see the bank statement with no money going out every month. :icon_lol: So, he opted to do paperless statement:biggrin: Now is the best time to spend coz he wont know I have maxed it up unless he checks it online! But he doesn't bother -- so I bought his Christmas present using his own money... Hahaha!:biggrin:

21st December 2012, 21:09
:laugher: Naughty girl !