View Full Version : Just for the record

24th November 2012, 23:04
Yes I plead guilty it was me who posted about the pakistani girl and I stand by what I asked and said.

24th November 2012, 23:06
Yes I plead guilty it was me who posted about the pakistani girl and I stand by what I asked and said.

For the record. I don't disagree with your alarm and concern, Andy.

24th November 2012, 23:15
Like you say lastlid I was just highlighting my concerns and what I thought would happen.

24th November 2012, 23:27
No worries about that Andy. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But for the record too, it's not the girl's fault that she's brought here in the UK and that her life's in danger, she's actually an advocate of education to women in Pakistan. Blame UK's immigration system though on how easy it is to be abused by the wrong people. :NoNo:

24th November 2012, 23:32
No worries about that Andy. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But for the record too, it's not the girl's fault that she's brought here in the UK and that her life's in danger, she's actually an advocate of education to women in Pakistan. Blame UK's immigration system though on how easy it is to be abused by the wrong people. :NoNo:

Yes. I agree. My quarrel with these matters is with our government.

24th November 2012, 23:37
No worries about that Andy. :xxgrinning--00xx3: But for the record too, it's not the girl's fault that she's brought here in the UK and that her life's in danger, she's actually an advocate of education to women in Pakistan. Blame UK's immigration system though on how easy it is to be abused by the wrong people. :NoNo:
Like I have said before. Why here? I think if you was in the same position as a few of us on here you would be asking the same question.

24th November 2012, 23:51
I thought it was you matey. Very perceptive indeed.

24th November 2012, 23:54
Like I have said before. Why here? I think if you was in the same position as a few of us on here you would be asking the same question.

That's why I said, blame UK immigration system. It's been known to the world now (I think) how soft the country is. I don't think the girl requested to be here or has chosen which country to go to. UK officials in Pakistan probably intervened. She's been shot in the head and probably not conscious when brought here because of her injuries. I've watched some of the documentaries of her..she and her family returned to their city even when Talibans are bombing their place. Their family kept on fighting for their rights and the women's education. That's how patriotic the girl is, in my views anyway. But UK keeps on making mistakes when it comes to immigration. According to the news article, Pakistani government officials here in the UK (I'm guessing the embassy) were the ones who offered a job to the father so the family can stay here probably for their safety and not the other way around (but I'm not really sure as I'm basing it on the article). It's probably because they know it'll be just that quick for this family to get the asylum grant they need. You all know what I mean.

25th November 2012, 00:09
Their family kept on fighting for their rights and the women's education. That's how patriotic the girl is, in my views anyway.

Yes. And hasn't she been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

25th November 2012, 00:17
Dont you think I know whos fault it is why they are here? I know it is the governments fault I also know the family will take advantage. Do you think the father will turn the job offer down? All I am getting at is the way the government are making it harder for us to get our legitimate wives here and then they do this. And us the tax payer will have to pay for someone who was not even born in this country and her family.

25th November 2012, 00:25
I thought it was you matey. Very perceptive indeed.
Yes marco look at the trouble you had getting your beloved here. And they are just allowed to walk in here.:icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
25th November 2012, 00:55
Yes. And hasn't she been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

If this is, indeed, the case ... then she'll be the youngest-ever recipient and, to my mind, at least, has certainly more than proved herself WORTHY of the honour! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 01:27
I understand everyone's concern here regarding immigrants. It's not hard to perceive why most British have views like yours Andy, seeing that there are so many illegals here milking the country. But no one can be sure whether Malala's family would do the same. But denying the safety she needed because of this is I think discrimination. Just because there are lots of Pakistani milking UK doesn't mean all of them would do it. It's like saying all Filipinas marry foreigners for their money. And it's like what happen this morning, denying foster parents to take care of kids of ethnic minority because they are UKIP supporters. Don't worry, if my marriage to Keith do not end well, I will leave this country first thing in the morning, as I don't want British people to think of me getting the taxpayers' money, especially as I wasn't born here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 01:37
If this is, indeed, the case ... then she'll be the youngest-ever recipient and, to my mind, at least, has certainly more than proved herself WORTHY of the honour! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Agree 100% with you Arthur.
I also agree that the governments policy of not allowing your wives to come to the UK is wrong but i don't think frustration should be directed at this family.

25th November 2012, 02:57
as I don't want British people to think of me getting the taxpayers' money, especially as I wasn't born here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

if you've paid in you should be able to take out without feeling guilty :NoNo:

25th November 2012, 08:48
I understand everyone's concern here regarding immigrants. It's not hard to perceive why most British have views like yours Andy, seeing that there are so many illegals here milking the country. But no one can be sure whether Malala's family would do the same. But denying the safety she needed because of this is I think discrimination. Just because there are lots of Pakistani milking UK doesn't mean all of them would do it. It's like saying all Filipinas marry foreigners for their money. And it's like what happen this morning, denying foster parents to take care of kids of ethnic minority because they are UKIP supporters. Don't worry, if my marriage to Keith do not end well, I will leave this country first thing in the morning, as I don't want British people to think of me getting the taxpayers' money, especially as I wasn't born here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
With all due respect I think you are barking up the wrong tree on some of your comments. Not once have I mentioned filipinas coming here. Another thing is I work in the community and I see what goes on. Another point. Your husband was born here he should have every right to bring you here, People have said many times that we are the dustbin (trash can) of europe this case just confirms it in my opinion.

25th November 2012, 09:51
if you've paid in you should be able to take out without feeling guilty :NoNo:

I don't feel guilty, that's what i'd do for real..if that happens, no point of staying here for me..as i went here just to be with Keith and nothing else..everything's not about money you know :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 09:55
money makes the world go round, but its best to have someone to share it with

25th November 2012, 10:10
With al due respect I think you are barking up the wrong tree on some of your comments. Not once have I mentioned filipinas coming here. Another thing is I work in the community and I see what goes on. Another point. Your husband was born here he should have every right to bring you here, People have said many times that we are the dustbin (trash can) of europe this case just confirms it in my opinion.

Like I said I understand everyone's concern about this family moving just like that..but like what another poster said above, directing to this family your frustrations about not bringing your wife here as easy as this family is not this family's fault..but UK government. They're allowing the taxpayers' money to be taken by the wrong people. It's not their fault being hunted by Talibans just because they're fighting for their rights of education..when actual harm goes in your life and someone offered you a chance of escaping being dead the next minute, i'm sure most people would accept the help.

Oh well, i'm not a taxpayer of this country, i haven't contributed anything yet, so i probably don't know anything. But what i can say is it's hard being an immigrant in a "rich" country even if you got here legally as we are always prone to be blamed of getting what's not supposed to be ours.

25th November 2012, 10:17
Oh well, i'm not a taxpayer of this country, i haven't contributed anything yet, so i probably don't know anything. But what i can say is it's hard being an immigrant in a "rich" country even if you got here legally as we are always prone to be blamed of getting what's not supposed to be ours.

thats the problem, everyone gets tarred with the same brush, until you are in the same situation as most of us are on this site, now one knows what we or you have to go through to get here,it makes my blood boil

25th November 2012, 10:17
I prefer to spend my tax money on legitimate asylum seekers than those trying to screw the system or the illegals. We should have a 48hr turnover of these people, and if a country won't accept them back quickly then we house them on the Northern Shetlands .... in that weather they'll soon be wanting to go back home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 10:36
Oh well, i'm not a taxpayer of this country, i haven't contributed anything yet, so i probably don't know anything. But what i can say is it's hard being an immigrant in a "rich" country even if you got here legally as we are always prone to be blamed of getting what's not supposed to be ours.

The point is you are legal your husband supports you. He contributes to the system and I have never met you but Im pretty damn sure you would work if you could. The government did not invite you to be here and give you a job and a house did they? And as for it not being safe for her to go back there where do you draw the line? If the taliban want her that much is she putting our country at risk? What is stopping them from coming here?

25th November 2012, 10:46
If the taliban want her that much is she putting our country at risk? What is stopping them from coming here?

I think they're probably here already matey.

25th November 2012, 10:46
The point is you are legal your husband supports you. He contributes to the system and I have never met you but Im pretty damn sure you would work if you could. The government did not invite you to be here and give you a job and a house did they? And as for it not being safe for her to go back there where do you draw the line? If the taliban want her that much is she putting our country at risk? What is stopping them from coming here?

Err, I think UK government put your country at risk not the kid. Your country got a lot of criminals (whether British or other nationality) already enough to put the people here at risk.

25th November 2012, 10:51
I dont think she was forced to come here do you? Her father could have said no. And your right marco my mistake sorry mate the taliban are already here.

25th November 2012, 10:59
I dont think she was forced to come here do you? Her father could have said no. And your right marco my mistake sorry mate the taliban are already here.

Stay in Pakistan and your daughter will likely die, or go to the UK and she will live... hard choice for a father :icon_rolleyes:

25th November 2012, 11:03
Oh sorry there are no country closer to pakistan is there? I know what your going to say. No one else offered but how do you know?

25th November 2012, 11:07
:Erm: Who knows if others offered, who cares :anerikke: She's alive and safe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 11:15
:Erm: Who knows if others offered, who cares :anerikke: She's alive and safe :xxgrinning--00xx3:
And so are all the illegal asylum seekers.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 11:18
I prefer to spend my tax money on legitimate asylum seekers than those trying to screw the system or the illegals. We should have a 48hr turnover of these people, and if a country won't accept them back quickly then we house them on the Northern Shetlands .... in that weather they'll soon be wanting to go back home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Or in Aberdeen, one of the two........:biggrin:

(Sorry those from Aberdeen - only joking)

25th November 2012, 11:18
And so are all the illegal asylum seekers.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

But she's not an illegal asylum seeker. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 11:19
I think there's little doubt that we did do the right thing in allowing her to come here for life saving treatment. That's what countries like ours are supposed to do. What happens afterwards is up to the politicians.
As she is in line for a Nobel peace prize which from what I've read she fully deserves the cynic inside me says that she will provide our Prime Minister with many photo opportunities in the run up to the next election.
I just wished that we would show as much compassion to all the children suffering in the world at the moment at the hands of illegal activities. But obviously the Children of Gaza would not get as many votes as this young lady.

25th November 2012, 11:20
And so are all the illegal asylum seekers.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: I don't remember them being offered the chance to come here!

25th November 2012, 11:23
I just wished that we would show as much compassion to all the children suffering in the world at the moment at the hands of illegal activities. But obviously the Children of Gaza would not get as many votes as this young lady.

That's the sad part of that marco..when they show to the world Israel is the one on the right. It's politics.

25th November 2012, 11:25
That's the sad part of that marco..when they show to the world Israel is the one on the right. It's politics.

Indeed Rayna but as we both know the Children have little choice in this but still end up among the casualties.

25th November 2012, 11:28
:Erm: I don't remember them being offered the chance to come here!
They are safe here isnt what this is all about? Compassion? Just because they were not invited does not mean they are not safe in their own country.

25th November 2012, 11:34
Indeed Rayna but as we both know the Children have little choice in this but still end up among the casualties.

I know Marco. It's not their choice being born in a country where they have a high risk of dying. :NoNo:

Well, those kids needed help too. But I'm sure if even one of them was taken here for refuge, would no one complain? I'm sure there are still people of this country that would say they would only take the taxpayers' money.

25th November 2012, 11:34
With all due respect I think you are barking up the wrong tree on some of your comments. Not once have I mentioned filipinas coming here. Another thing is I work in the community and I see what goes on. Another point. Your husband was born here he should have every right to bring you here, People have said many times that we are the dustbin (trash can) of europe this case just confirms it in my opinion.
So this young girl and her family are trash? She and her family stood up for basic human rights and were punished severely for it. So you would send a teenage girl back home to be murdered? That's what you are saying.
Yes all the illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers should be sent home but not this girl.

25th November 2012, 11:37
As she is in line for a Nobel peace prize which from what I've read she fully deserves the cynic inside me says that she will provide our Prime Minister with many photo opportunities in the run up to the next election.
You could have hit the nail on the head there marco.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 11:43
So this young girl and her family are trash? She and her family stood up for basic human rights and where punished severely for it. So you would send a teenage girl back home to murdered? That's what you are saying.
Yes all the illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers should be sent home but not this girl.
What basic rights? Pakistan do not recognise rights. She knew what she was doing and her family knew the dangers. So what are you saying? Bring everybody here that goes against the rules of their country? Buang.

25th November 2012, 11:51
What basic rights? Pakistan do not recognise rights. She knew what she was doing and her family knew the dangers. So what are you saying? Bring everybody here that goes against the rules of their country? Buang.

So if Pakistan do not recognised basic rights, they should just accept everything that was being told them to? They are just trying to change their ways in that country. I always read in this forum about why there are people from middle east countries (especially the women) allowing themselves to be treated as a trash or like allowing their kids be married to older guys. I see that they should probably not change their circumstances too, because that's what their country is.

25th November 2012, 11:56
I dont agree with a lot of the things that go on in this country if I want to change it I know the risks so I dont do it. simple.

25th November 2012, 11:56
So this young girl and her family are trash? She and her family stood up for basic human rights and where punished severely for it. So you would send a teenage girl back home to murdered? That's what you are saying.
Yes all the illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers should be sent home but not this girl.

Who's doing the punishing ? Is this a case for political asylum ? Surely the Pakistan Govt should protect it's citizens from the actions of criminals and extremist terror gangs

25th November 2012, 12:07
Well it proves our foreign aid is not helping.

25th November 2012, 12:15
it has to be embarrassing for the Pakistani government that they cannot protect a 12yr old girl or provide her with the medical treatment she needed :NoNo:

25th November 2012, 12:33
Embarrassing? they dont give a toss Joe.

25th November 2012, 12:56
its good that there is people out there that do care who ever you are, its called kindness to many of us, but to others its called what can i get out of this for myself,if all of us men on here did not have a bride or partner from far off shores i dont think we would be bothered, its because we have and we know what we all have to go through to try and get them here, who ever is born in england has the right to marry who ever they want and to bring their wife to the place they was born, but we all know different, thats what gets our backs up

25th November 2012, 13:09
Your right steve. I would like this to be bought to attention too. Of course I feel sorry for the girl. Here is an example. Picture this girl is in hospital here. Your elderly father or mother or wife or close relative for that matter is taken Ill and is in need of a hospital bed but cant get one. How would you feel? I think first off you would be throwing abuse at the health staff. Who in turn would blame the government. Who would you be looking at next?. I have a pretty good idea.

25th November 2012, 13:13
This girl seems to have succeeded in bringing all of the Canadian political parties together.......

For Malala: The Girl who Brought Canada Together


25th November 2012, 13:15
Just shows that even the government of rich countries don't know who to take care of, or give priorities to. :icon_lol:

25th November 2012, 13:16
As I said before why didn't the Pakistani Govt arrange for her to go to one of the expertly staffed & lavishly equipped hospitals in the relatively nearby Middle East?

25th November 2012, 13:19
This girl seems to have succeeding in bringing all of the Canadian political parties together.......

For Malala: The Girl who Brought Canada Together

I reckon she should be put on a plane to canada then and her family.

25th November 2012, 13:20
As I said before why didn't the Pakistani Govt arrange for her to go to one of the lavishly equipped hospitals in the relatively nearby Middle East?
Too right.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 13:20
As I said before why didn't the Pakistani Govt arrange for her to go to one of the lavishly equipped hospitals in the relatively nearby Middle East?

Who knows, no one would know why unless someone would ask them directly. :biggrin:

25th November 2012, 13:23
As I said before why didn't the Pakistani Govt arrange for her to go to one of the expertly staffed & lavishly equipped hospitals in the relatively nearby Middle East?

That's a question to address to David Cameron and all......at a guess it was a politically oriented move.

25th November 2012, 13:24
What basic rights? Pakistan do not recognise rights. She knew what she was doing and her family knew the dangers. So what are you saying? Bring everybody here that goes against the rules of their country? Buang.
Im not saying that you should bring everybody to the UK that breaks the rules in there own country. Do you think her family woke up one day and decided lets do this and maybe we can go and live in the UK. I think not.
So would you send her back to Pakistan? Simple answer please Yes or No.

25th November 2012, 13:26
Maybe Ded can get a answer out of him. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 13:28
Im not saying that you should bring everybody to the UK that breaks the rules in there own country. Do you think her family woke up one day and decided lets do this and maybe we can go and live in the UK. I think not.
So would you send her back to Pakistan? Simple answer please Yes or No.
i would not have let her come here in the first place. End of.

25th November 2012, 13:36
Maybe Ded can get a answer out of him. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Off topic but I got a response from the corridors of power about another issue that riles me


25th November 2012, 13:39
Very good Ded now jump a bit higher and get a response from cameron.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 13:40
i would not have let her come here in the first place. End of.
She is there already! Would you send her back?

25th November 2012, 13:46
Very good Ded now jump a bit higher and get a response from cameron.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Lid posed the idea of questioning Cameron - I'd expect him to reply that the PakiStani Govt requested that the girl receive urgent medical attn in the UK and asked for visa requirements etc to be dropped and the UK agreed to this

25th November 2012, 13:46
Its not up to me is it? If it was she would not be here I have made that clear.

25th November 2012, 13:48
Lid posed the idea of questioning Cameron - I'd expect him to reply that the PakiStani Govt requested that the girl receive urgent medical attn in the UK and asked for visa requirements etc to be dropped and the UK agreed to this

Ha. The question should be as to why the UK government agreed.

25th November 2012, 13:48
She is there already! Would you send her back?

What happens with other privately funded health tourists ? I suspect that once their treatment is complete they go back to their home country

25th November 2012, 13:50
Ha. The question should be as to why the UK government agreed.

25th November 2012, 13:50
What happens with other privately funded health tourists ? I suspect that once their treatment is complete they go back to their home country

25th November 2012, 13:52
Another reason why she shouldnt be here. She is not a uk citizen. Her sponsor doesnt earn £18600 per year. Thats what we are told.

25th November 2012, 13:53
Maybe Dedworth and Andy should run for PM, you probably would see a change in your country if any of you win. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 14:00
I know its not up to you and i can see where you are coming from. I personally could never send her back as i know what would happen.
Off to bed as have to be up at 4.30 to get the kids ready for school:doh
Great forum:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 14:01
Maybe Dedworth and Andy should run for PM, you probably would see a change in your country if any of you win. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I totally agree:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:. Fil/uk and share the wealth.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 14:03
I know its not up to you and i can see where you are coming from. I personally could never send her back as i know what would happen.
Off to bed as have to be at 4.30 to get the kids ready for school:doh
Great forum:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Wow you need a lot of sleep.:hubbahubba:

25th November 2012, 14:05
I couldn't vote for Dedworth as he would have everyone shot. :icon_lol:

25th November 2012, 14:07
and being a Filipina, I couldn't vote anyone at all..:icon_lol:

25th November 2012, 14:10
Oh I forgot about that I will write to the home office and get special privileges for all filipinas.:icon_lol:

25th November 2012, 14:20
and being a Filipina, I couldn't vote anyone at all..:icon_lol:

My wife can vote here after a year of being here.

25th November 2012, 14:25
Is it different laws over there lasltid?

25th November 2012, 14:26
what gets me is, why the gov is so quick to help this poor girl, yet Brits injured abroad or imprisoned the embassy cant or will not do much at all :NoNo:

25th November 2012, 14:29
My wife can vote here after a year of being here.

Don't you have to be a British citizen, a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Irish Republic who is resident in the UK before you can vote? :Erm:

25th November 2012, 14:31
what gets me is, why the gov is so quick to help this poor girl, yet Brits injured abroad or imprisoned the embassy cant or will not do much at all :NoNo:

POLITICS :icon_rolleyes:

25th November 2012, 14:50
Oh well lunchtime. Who started this topic anyway?

25th November 2012, 14:57
Oh well lunchtime. Who started this topic anyway?



25th November 2012, 15:52
Oh that hurt. :icon_lol:

25th November 2012, 16:47
Don't you have to be a British citizen, a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Irish Republic who is resident in the UK before you can vote? :Erm:

I can't vote in the UK anymore, only in the Isle of Man as I am resident here. My wife, on her spouse visa, is also a resident of the Isle of Man, but not the UK so she can vote in the Isle of Man elections. I checked this out a few months back and indeed if we were in the UK she would not be eligible.

This is quite useful for us as once she is on the electoral register here we can use it as evidence for ILR.

25th November 2012, 16:49
Is it different laws over there lasltid?

Yes. Evidently so. I was quite surprised when I found out. I only found out when filling out the electoral register form here. And then phoned em up to check.

Arthur Little
25th November 2012, 17:58
Off topic but I got a response from the corridors of power about another issue that riles me


:icon_offtopic: or not ... as a taxpayer you've every RIGHT to be miffed :cwm23: about a politician being granted leave of absence [whether paid or unpaid] to go swanning off at will, to take part in some :crazy:, nonsensical, "high jinks" abroad - at the taxpayer's expense - a so called "reality show" that bears no more resemblance to real life than the Pope sharing a duet with Ian Paisley.

:furious3: It riles ME no end, too!!

Yes ... you received a sympathetic response from Theresa May. But does she intend pulling out all the stops to ensure there's no chance of crass, irresponsible indulgence - of the kind displayed by Nadine Dorries - being repeated? I very much doubt it! Any more than she's likely to back-down on the controversial new Immigration Rules she herself pushed through last July.

Nevertheless, the action you took in highlighting such breach of privilege by an elected Member of Parliament is to be commended. :68711_thanx:

25th November 2012, 19:55
Spot on Arthur.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th November 2012, 20:23
Pakistan do not recognise rights.

Yes they do! They aren't a 3rd world country you know, but then neither do they pander to terrorists like we do once caught, they treat them like :censored: which is no more than they deserve :biggrin:

As I said before why didn't the Pakistani Govt arrange for her to go to one of the expertly staffed & lavishly equipped hospitals in the relatively nearby Middle East?
As has been answered before, the UK offered, and our NHS is the envy of the world regardless of the crap the Sun and the Daily Mail spout off about it :heartshape1:

25th November 2012, 20:53
Yes they do! They aren't a 3rd world country you know, but then neither do they pander to terrorists like we do once caught, they treat them like :censored: which is no more than they deserve :biggrin:

As has been answered before, the UK offered, and our NHS is the envy of the world regardless of the crap the Sun and the Daily Mail spout off about it :heartshape1:

Where is it stated that we offered ?

26th November 2012, 15:41
If they are not a third world country why are we giving them aid? And she knew what she was doing was wrong and against the principles of the country.

26th November 2012, 15:44
If they are not a third world country why are we giving them aid?

Developing World country. But as some point out, some of these Developing World countries are catching us up, here in the UK. :omg:

26th November 2012, 15:47
Developing World country. But as some point out, some of these Developing World countries are catching us up, here in the UK. :omg:
Does that surprise us? And when we are in the dodah no one will help us.