View Full Version : One for you Ded

25th November 2012, 09:25
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237590/Spanish-send-Algerian-criminal-live-UK--theres-it.html. :icon_rolleyes:

The Home Office said it could not discuss individual cases.

Well that sounds familiar.:cwm23:

25th November 2012, 12:08
Wakey wakey Ded.:biggrin:

25th November 2012, 12:27
well if he had been living in Spain for 25yrs he must have had some residents permit, so send him back to Spain :doh

also if he las lied on his application for ILR or citizenship it should be revoked and again send him back to Spain :doh

25th November 2012, 12:34
Wakey wakey Ded.:biggrin:

Watch it Andy :smile:- at 8am I was out on the push bike doing 12 miles

A good article you've highlighted showing the sewage our Govt allows to reside in the UK.

To me this was the interesting bit :-


The Spanish obviously take protecting their public a bit more seriously than our Govt/Authorities/Judiciary who indulge themselves in a spot of mutual handwringing and let the scum and extremists carry on threatening us

25th November 2012, 12:58
I thought you would like it Ded. I had the same thought.

25th November 2012, 13:00
I thought you would like it Ded. I had the same thought.

Not rocket science is it - protect your own

25th November 2012, 13:11
Well there you thats what this country will never do it dont matter which of the three main partys are in.

25th November 2012, 13:28
Well there you thats what this country will never do it dont matter which of the three main partys are in.

:iagree: The Tories & Limp Dems have shown for 2.5 years that they are cut from the same cloth as Labour on these issues. Maybe Camerons new Aussie spin man will show him that getting and keeping the filth out of the country is a vote winner.

25th November 2012, 13:32
Did you see what he said?
Former Conservative deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft told friends that outspoken Australian Mr Crosby’s remark about ‘f****** Muslims’ was a major error of judgment.