View Full Version : 1155 msgs to read...

Mrs Daddy
12th August 2007, 08:13
Blimey... when i log on to filipinouk was shock for having 1155 post to read.We were just away for about a week for our holiday in Eastbourne and here I am Bombarded with post:icon_lol: but I had a nice holiday anyway.been swimming to beach and it was a lovely place.I missed to call Iain and Louella to wish them Bon Voyage on their trip to PI.I have missed a lot of things from here but anyway I am here again to makes myself busy reading the posting.I`ll put some photo on the gallery to share with you the lovely place of eastborne maybe one day you wanna spend your holiday there.:)

12th August 2007, 08:19
Hi ya, i think i may be responsible for a lot of the posts! the story of my (possibly ex now lol) GF has caused some interest i think. especially with (sorry i cannot remember his name) story of marriage on the rocks at the same time.
It must be a bad time of year for relationships. hahaha

Mrs Daddy
12th August 2007, 08:52
Hi yah there mark,dont worry everything happens for a reason.its better for you to know about your gf lying earlier than after the marriage.just pray harder for you to find the right one.just be patient and it will come to you and dont lost hope!

12th August 2007, 08:54
Is any of it spam, and if so, who from?

12th August 2007, 10:26
Hi there,wheela and Keith! we miss you guys,seemed u been busy cant catch u anymore..hmmm :cwm34:need to know ur home phone no. will make u a call soon k?cheers...:Hellooo::D