View Full Version : america and britain!!

1st December 2012, 19:49
In terms of quality of life: Britain VS America. Which is better? :Erm:

elmarie, :wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle:

1st December 2012, 20:50
What's your opinion?

1st December 2012, 21:24
depends on how much money you have

1st December 2012, 21:27
I don't know.

You'd probably have to live for a few years in each to give a reasoned answer to that. :Erm:

I don't judge a place or a people based on what I see on TV.

1st December 2012, 21:40
In terms of quality of life: Britain VS America. Which is better? :Erm:

elmarie, :wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle::wiggle:

Odd question really. It all comes down to the individual personal framework of quality of life.

What's your take?
I guess you're talking about USA?????
Different states can be very different.
Have you lived in both countries for a time that enables a resonable assessment?

I've lived in Ohio for a couple of years and didn't take to it.
Lived in California for 7 months and didn't take to that either.

Different folks and different strokes

1st December 2012, 21:54
lots of poor places in the USA, great for holidays, there is no place like home where ever you are, and at this moment its ENGLAND,

Ako Si Jamie
1st December 2012, 22:34
I've never lived there but from the feedback I get from others who have, America is no great shakes.

Philippines ranks higher. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd December 2012, 10:11
i have lots of experience of america, ( texas california oaklahoma wyoming etc ) and it just the same as here,,, if you got lots of money it is great and if you got no money it is sh*t !!!!!!!!!!,,, used to be the majority of yanks were ignorant people , but i think we are catching them up in the dumbed down stakes

2nd December 2012, 10:53
if you got lots of money it is great and if you got no money it is sh*t !!!!!!!!!!,,,
:xxgrinning--00xx3: no matter where in the world you live ( apart from a few countries you wouldn't want to live in - Somali. Afghanistan etc.. )

Michael Parnham
2nd December 2012, 11:14
I would certainly choose good old Blighty!!

2nd December 2012, 12:02
What's your opinion?

Pros: universal health care, much better mass transit system, less violent crime, much more tolerant of other races/nationalities.

Cons: boarderline socialist government, obscenely high taxes, no guns, much higher population density, bad weather, questionable food.

Pros: Much larger country, low taxes, more personal responsibility, more desirable weather.

Cons: higher crime rate, guns, less tolerance. :Jump:

2nd December 2012, 12:05
Britain. Better education, much better healthcare, easier to travel around, culturally and architecturally superior. :freezin::Jump::Jump::Jump:

2nd December 2012, 13:15
i cannot understand why so much is said about our healthcare, yes its so called free, but this would make me stop here,this is just my thoughts, but while i am here, i will pay my taxes and live the way you are suppose to do, head down and work hard, till the times comes to say, lets go

2nd December 2012, 14:03
In terms of quality of life: Britain VS America. Which is better? :Erm:

Britain. Better welfare and free NHS.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd December 2012, 15:15
Pros: universal health care, much better mass transit system, less violent crime, much more tolerant of other races/nationalities.

Cons: boarderline socialist government, obscenely high taxes, no guns, much higher population density, bad weather, questionable food.

Pros: Much larger country, low taxes, more personal responsibility, more desirable weather.

Cons: higher crime rate, guns, less tolerance. :Jump:

That right? Or should that be in the "Pro" column?

2nd December 2012, 15:16
You get more bang to the buck in the USA, though. :biggrin:

2nd December 2012, 15:54
The Americans have problems with numbers. :yikes:

"Drivers in New York City who have licence plates that end in an odd number or end in a letter or other character will be able to gas or diesel only on odd-numbered days such as tomorrow which happens to be the 9th," he said.

"Those with licence plates ending in an even number, or the number zero, will be able to buy gas or diesel only on even number days such as Saturday November 10th."
