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5th December 2012, 22:21
how long can you keep a turkey in the freezer for

stevie c
5th December 2012, 22:27
If its alive not very long :laugher:

5th December 2012, 22:31
you have just ruined my joke stevie

stevie c
5th December 2012, 22:35
Sorry Steve :icon_sorry:

6th December 2012, 14:22

6th December 2012, 17:09
My curry has been in there 4 years now.

Will it still be ok ? Was saving it for emergencies. :Erm:

Arthur Little
6th December 2012, 17:17

Reminds me of when you stopped :Smokin: on Hogmanay 2010, Peter...

... :yeahthat: was a GOOD example of "cold turkey", if ever there was! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2012, 19:04
Reminds me of when you stopped :Smokin: on Hogmanay 2010, Peter...

... :yeahthat: was a GOOD example of "cold turkey", if ever there was! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now that really was cold turkey........but well worth it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2012, 19:05
Christmas eve and Bob's forgotten the turkey.

He nips along to the local butcher just about closing time.

'I forgot to get the Christmas turkey, and my wife will kill me if we have no turkey' he says.

'OK' says the butcher.' Let me see what I have left.'

He goes into the freezer and discovers that there's only one last scrawny turkey left.
He brings it out and shows it to Bob. 'This one is normally £50 but I'll let you have it for £20' says the butcher.

'That's no good, it's far too small. Have you got a bigger one?' says Bob.

The butcher takes the bird back into the freezer and waits a few minutes and brings the same turkey back out to Bob

'You're in luck' says the butcher 'This one is a 'no-show', but it's gonna cost you £30 as it's much bigger'

'No, no' says Bob, 'That really doesn't look any better at all and I have a large family get together to think about'

'Looks like I have no choice, better give me the both of them for £50' :icon_rolleyes:

6th December 2012, 20:59
back to a serious side now, i have brought the turkey, its in the freezer:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2012, 22:14
back to a serious side now, i have brought the turkey, its in the freezer:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Seriously Steve, it's OK for about a month or maybe 2 at the most IMHO
There should be something written about storage on the product itself.
Depends at least on how long it's already been frozen, and on the temperatures previously used and to be used in the future.
Anything over 2 months at less than minus 18C is questionable IMHO

Good luck

6th December 2012, 22:20
Haha...good one Peter. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
6th December 2012, 22:29
Anything over 2 months at less than minus 18C is questionable IMHO

:icon_eek: ... THOUGHT so.

My curry has been in there 4 years now.

:reaction: ...

... Was saving it for emergencies.

Will it still be ok ? :Erm:

:nono-1-1: ... best throw it OUT, before you start throwing-up! :vomit-smiley-011:

7th December 2012, 01:20
Husband and I is not very traditional, meaning we will not be having turkey for Christmas dinner:biggrin:

7th December 2012, 10:37
Husband and I is not very traditional, meaning we will not be having turkey for Christmas dinner:biggrin:

Neither me nor my wife care for turkey at all. :NoNo:

7th December 2012, 10:51
I will be having my traditional baked beans on toast...as an act of defiance. :smile:

8th December 2012, 13:09
Friend of mine has had a turkey in her freezer for something like 16 years.

8th December 2012, 13:43
It must have died of old age by now. :icon_lol:

8th December 2012, 15:12
I will be having my traditional baked beans on toast...as an act of defiance. :smile:

there is always a spare seat and plate at our home Granham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
8th December 2012, 15:20
There is a spare seat and plate at our place also, no food though:icon_lol: don't mean it Graham, your welcome anytime!

8th December 2012, 20:32
I'm not sure exactly when Turkey became the food of choice for our British Christmas?
When I was kid it was always Chicken. So yummy too.:hubbahubba:

As far back as I can remember Chistmas Dinner has always been focussed around a cockerill (capon), never turkey.

Yes, I know I'm getting on a bit now:olddude:

8th December 2012, 21:29
we just buy the turkey crown now so there is no waste,

8th December 2012, 21:43
we just buy the turkey crown now so there is no waste,

Carina's not fond of breast meat.
She seems to really enjoy chewing on the bones like wings, legs, thighs and ribs. :icon_rolleyes:

I enjoy some of that meat also especially the legs, but I do enjoy Breast(s):xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th December 2012, 21:54
snap Peter, i asked Ems if she would want a full bird because of the bones, but as i am the cook for xmas its down to me she says.its easy to cook the breast then the whole bird, plus trying to cook it and the veg and the pudding, well the cooker is not big enough

9th December 2012, 00:55
God knows what time my xmas dinner will be. Depends what shift I am on.:bigcry:

Michael Parnham
9th December 2012, 12:12
Don't mind what bird we get as long as I don't forget brussel sprouts, I love them!!

9th December 2012, 14:18
brussel sprouts, roast parsnips, carrots,roast tats, and stuffing