View Full Version : David cameron is set to give us a vote on eu claims boris johnson

10th December 2012, 09:11
DAVID Cameron will bow to public pressure and promise the British people an in-out referendum on the European Union, Boris Johnson said yesterday.
He indicated that the Prime Minister will ask voters to choose either a new, looser relationship with the EU or complete withdrawal.


10th December 2012, 09:58
I'll believe it when I see it, I'm very doubtful the general public will be given that vote.

10th December 2012, 10:04
I'll believe it when I see it, I'm very doubtful the general public will be given that vote.

Yes Ricky, my thoughts exactly.

10th December 2012, 10:30
I thought we was promised a vote before the last election:Erm:
If the vote is offered it will probably be tied to them winning the next election and if they do excuses will be made to avoid the issue. I think the electorate has heard it all before.

10th December 2012, 11:12

Besides which....Cameron has lost all credibility with me now (and Boris), what with him backing gay marriage in church.

The world is going mad...and I'm not even religious. :NoNo:

10th December 2012, 11:35
I think it's the only way they can win the next election.

10th December 2012, 14:24
I would choose a looser relationship. :biggrin:

10th December 2012, 14:58
Unless they are bowing down to UKIP.

10th December 2012, 15:11
Unless they are bowing down to UKIP.

Being pressurised by UKIP

10th December 2012, 15:34
I think the plan is for cameron to get Ukip on their side win the next election and give us a vote and then try to talk us out of voting NO to europe. That would really p Ukip off.:icon_lol:

10th December 2012, 15:45
I think the plan is for cameron to get Ukip on there side win the next election and give us a vote and then try to talk us out of voting NO to europe. That would really p Ukip off.:icon_lol:

At first glance UKIP appear to hold a lot of sway but really they don't. As you say there are ways to work around them. They are just an irritant.

10th December 2012, 19:23
At first glance UKIP appear to hold a lot of sway but really they don't. As you say there are ways to work around them. They are just an irritant.

bah bit like the liberals :biggrin:

10th December 2012, 20:09
The last election was the worst one you could ever win,and the mess labour left us in did this goverment no favours.
no-one is gonna like you when you tell them we are broke and the masses will forget labour took us there and re-vote em back in:NoNo:

10th December 2012, 20:23
I agree Les.

Has everyone forgotten so soon that it was Labour's incompetence that got us into this mess....not to mention all the immigration problems that their actions created...now causing so much grief to members of this forum ? :icon_rolleyes:

10th December 2012, 20:37
I'm afraid a lot of the public don't see the big picture and only vote for "The pound in their pocket" and because of that will blame Cameron:NoNo:

10th December 2012, 20:42
i have asked this before , and i do not know the answer myself, may be some of the gang may know, what will happen if we pull out of europe, yes they say we will lose this and that but what is this and that, do you know

10th December 2012, 20:51
I guess we'll just have to manage the way we did for the hundreds of years before we became gagged, chained and neutered by EU bureaucratic nonsense and flooded with bloodsucking parasites.

Japan seems to have survived ok.

10th December 2012, 20:59
I can't see how you can blame labour for a recession that was caused mainly by the actions of greedy bankers and a defecit that now has to be paid back by the working man. Since the Tories come to power the only people who have benefited have been the people who earn most because the top rate of tax has been lowered.
I remember Cameron in opposition supporting Browns idea to spend money to keep people working and once in power he turns the opposite way and now the working people have to suffer with his austerity measures.
I honestly believe that the only way for us to recover quicker is to turn inwards and start thinking only of ourselves.
Withdrawl from the EU is a must in my mind before we disappear down the plughole but the 2 major political parties are both against it probably for their own selfish reasons.
Its against my religion to vote Tory but I most certainly will not vote Labour unless they promise to tackle the EU problem.

10th December 2012, 21:00
just had this crazy thought, its amazing this so called free europe, you are free to travel and live in any country within the eu, but we are not are we, whats all this about the visa to visit europe with our new wives, yes once we have gone through the shengzen route, so again the man born and bred here cannot move around europe if his wife is from asia

10th December 2012, 21:10
bah bit like the liberals :biggrin:

Yes, but so much more so.

10th December 2012, 21:12
I can't see how you can blame labour for a recession that was caused mainly by the actions of greedy bankers and a defecit that now has to be paid back by the working man. Since the Tories come to power the only people who have benefited have been the people who earn most because the top rate of tax has been lowered.
I remember Cameron in opposition supporting Browns idea to spend money to keep people working and once in power he turns the opposite way and now the working people have to suffer with his austerity measures.
I honestly believe that the only way for us to recover quicker is to turn inwards and start thinking only of ourselves.
Withdrawl from the EU is a must in my mind before we disappear down the plughole but the 2 major political parties are both against it probably for their own selfish reasons.
Its against my religion to vote Tory but I most certainly will not vote Labour unless they promise to tackle the EU problem.

I can totally blame labour the economy was under their watch:yikes:
We have to be careful about pulling out of Europe as we depend on it for our exports,I would be more interested in pulling out of the Human rights charade and let us make our own decisions.

10th December 2012, 21:19
I can totally blame labour the economy was under their watch:yikes:
We have to be careful about pulling out of Europe as we depend on it for our exports,I would be more interested in pulling out of the Human rights charade and let us make our own decisions.

Totally agree, stay in Europe but not let European courts influence our laws. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2012, 21:40
Totally agree, stay in Europe but not let European courts influence our laws. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Me too. Stay in Europe but on terms that are suitable and beneficial to the UK. I really can't comprehend the shortsightedness of "out of Europe regardless".

10th December 2012, 23:16
i have asked this before , and i do not know the answer myself, may be some of the gang may know, what will happen if we pull out of europe, yes they say we will lose this and that but what is this and that, do you know

Have a google. There's loads of info out there.

10th December 2012, 23:24
José Manuel Barroso: Independent Scotland not EU member
