View Full Version : I got breathalyzed today

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2012, 20:31
That's the fifth time I think since I started driving so that's a 5-0 record so far with no knock downs. :icon_lol:

Anyway, the interesting part of this incident was that the copper who breathalyzed me didn't know what an electronic cigarette was.

I found this strange that someone in their position had never heard of an e-cig, especially as it's been around for a few years.:Erm:

10th December 2012, 20:35
I was naughty the other day-glanced at my phone-well picked it up for a quick look and was rudely reminded by a cop car behind me to drop it quick:cwm24:

10th December 2012, 20:42
That's the fifth time I think since I started driving so that's a 5-0 record so far with no knock downs. :icon_lol:

Anyway, the interesting part of this incident was that the copper who breathalyzed me didn't know what an electronic cigarette was.

I found this strange that someone in their position had never heard of an e-cig, especially as it's been around for a few years.:Erm:

Well done for being clear. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've only ever been stopped and tested once in my life and that was Christmas 1969 I was just 19 and driving my first car (mini) which I'd only had for a couple of weeks on my birthday. :olddude:
Copper scared me to death.
I was clear :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Must admit I'm surprised he'd never heard of those e-cigs.
Anyway Jamie, so you finally got around to getting them?
Have you quit the others yet?

10th December 2012, 20:53
just had the one being breathalyzed, horrible feeling even when you know you have not drunk anything

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2012, 20:57
Well done for being clear. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've only ever been stopped and tested once in my life and that was Christmas 1969 I was just 19 and driving my first car (mini) which I'd only for a couple of weeks on my birthday. :olddude:
Copper scared me to death.
I was clear :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Must admit I'm surprised he'd never heard of those e-cigs.
Anyway Jamie, so you finally got around to getting them?
Have you quit the others yet?I only lasted a month or so with Intellicig. Found it a real pain having to send off for stuff especially as I'm never at home during working hours. Ended up back on the normal ones until last week when I spotted E-Lites being sold in a shop so I gave them a try.

The trial e-cig is £6.99 and is equivalent to 30 cigs. (refills £7.99 equivalent to 80 cigs).

That trial e-cig I bought last Thursday has just run out about an hour ago. :omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Considering this time last week I was smoking 40 John Player per day, I've only had a couple of roll ups today while the e-cig batteries are charging.

10th December 2012, 21:25
I was breathalysed once, just a few years ago. Hadnt had a drop to drink and the result reflected that.

10th December 2012, 22:04
Well done with the cigs Jamie. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's going back to the Phils that usually gets me started again...damned things are so cheap there. :icon_rolleyes:

Last got breathalysed in 1972. Had only had my usual half pint of Tartan Bitter...but that didn't stop me from doing 65 in a 30 zone in my new Hillman Avenger company car...an offence which I managed to talk my way out of like the good Salesman that I was. :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2012, 22:22
It's going back to the Phils that usually gets me started again...damned things are so cheap there. :icon_rolleyes:

Tell me about it. Ever since coming back from Phils in June I've been smoking a lot more than I did before I went. Ludicrous that they cost over 10 times as much over here. Just goes to show how much the government makes on tax from cigarettes.

10th December 2012, 22:35
Please try to quit Jamie.
It's very bl$$dy tough but please try.
Minute by minute make a win
hour by hour be a winner
day by day tough it out

It's totally possible :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2012, 23:20
Please try to quit Jamie.
It's very bl$$dy tough but please try.
Minute by minute make a win
hour by hour be a winner
day by day tough it out

It's totally possible :xxgrinning--00xx3:I'm trying:xxgrinning--00xx3: The motivation of saving a big chunk of cash is the key.

10th December 2012, 23:24
That's what's kept me down to 6 a day for over a year now Jamie. ...Nevermind the health implications and smelling like a damp dog.

Ako Si Jamie
10th December 2012, 23:27
smelling like a damp dog. :icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2012, 23:31
Unless that's just me. :Erm: :icon_lol:

11th December 2012, 05:38
I've been breathalyzed an awful lot through my work (particularly when I worked for a US Cruise Line), but only once by the police in the UK and never overseas.

11th December 2012, 07:02
It's going back to the Phils that usually gets me started again...damned things are so cheap there. :icon_rolleyes:

It wont be soon.. The new sin tax means they will soon go up about 12 Pesos a pack..:wink:

11th December 2012, 11:22
It wont be soon.. The new sin tax means they will soon go up about 12 Pesos a pack..:wink:
Will have to switch to Fortune then:yikes:

11th December 2012, 13:29
I'm trying:xxgrinning--00xx3: The motivation of saving a big chunk of cash is the key.
Have you tried champix Jamie?

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 20:10
Have you tried champix Jamie?I think I did some years back. Didn't do much good if I recall correct.

15th December 2012, 01:53
a cop pulled me over yesterday, i was driving the wrong way up a one way street, the cop who pulled me over said, didn't you see the arrows, i said i didn't even see the Indians :laugher:

Ako Si Jamie
15th December 2012, 02:23
Haha :xxgrinning--00xx3: