View Full Version : More than 1 in 8 UK Residents are foreign

11th December 2012, 12:50
Population of immigrants in England and Wales jumps by THREE MILLION in 10 years as census shows more than one in eight people are foreign

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2246288/Census-data-Immigrant-population-England-Wales-jumps-THREE-MILLION-10-years.html#ixzz2Ek8UXSUM

And these are the legals showing in census data - add another 3 million or so to cover illegals, overstayers, failed "asylum seekers" etc

Thanks Blair http://smileys.emoticonsonly.com/emoticons/v/vomiting-2075.gif

11th December 2012, 13:08

11th December 2012, 14:13
:doh you beat me to it..

So where are the new British citizens hailing from? India, Poland and Pakistan are the top three countries from whence overseas-born residents are sprung, with Poland taking the top spot, according to the Office for National Statistics.


11th December 2012, 14:45
Less than 90% white. How many percent are British?.

11th December 2012, 19:08
Mark my words,one day the UK will have a islamic asian prime minister,I just heard on the news that white ethnic brits are a minority in London...........No tae sherlock :icon_lol:

11th December 2012, 20:11
This was also on the er.... Daily Mail website today:


Well, it might as well have been..... :Cuckoo:

12th December 2012, 00:21
I think London is taking a huge chunk of them. Across the Country the BBC are saying its 13% were born abroad whereas in say my borough Merton it's 37.7% and Newham is 53.7% staggering figures.

12th December 2012, 07:56
surely other european countries are in the same state as us, remember all we read is what is happening here, when you do see the news about france and there people are protestings about something, half of them look like they dont belong there,

12th December 2012, 09:37
surely other european countries are in the same state as us,

They're not - France for example is well versed in dealing with filth eg the CRS putting the boot into the Roma, Police gassing UK bound "Asylum Seekers" hovels in Calais. It flares up now and again with France's African immigrants in their housing areas but the Police quickly get to grips with it.

Germany, Spain, Italy etc don't give a monkeys about human rights when it comes to extraditing crims and muslim extremists.

12th December 2012, 10:03
A good article here I'll just quote the very pertinent final sentences :-

"The truth is that immigration has happened at such a rate that, far from augmenting and enhancing our national life as it did in days gone by, it has completely changed it.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2246663/Yes-immigration-bring-huge-benefits-But-scale-speed-cope-with.html#ixzz2EpJ4IGAW

12th December 2012, 11:04
The census only confirmed what every Londoner has been saying for years, but I still believe its only the tip of the iceberg with most of the illegals scratching a living or thieving in London. Anyone who travels regularly through London must be asking where are the rest of the 45% white English population.:Erm:

Seems like they want to talk about it now its too late to change things, politicians should go on trial for treason.