View Full Version : ILR BRP received but no docs/passport 8 days later?

11th December 2012, 22:37
hi guys and girls,

just a query

the wife received her BRP letter and ID on the 4th Dec- after initially applying in July btw - so around a 4 month process.

but 8 days later no documents returned and no passports- no i am waiting on going overseas as soon as it comes on business so i am eager to get it back.

is this normal ?

- have read that docs etc are returned within days of the BRP

13th December 2012, 14:39
Yes your right...our documents were returned promptly.

13th December 2012, 17:30
I received my BRP passport and documents all at the same time but then i applied for premium service.

14th December 2012, 18:49
BRP's are being sent by DX courier and documents by royal mail...since its xmas time expect a massive delay by royal mail post. you'll get it eventually :)

Arthur Little
14th December 2012, 19:30
:40__s: ... BURP!

Arthur Little
14th December 2012, 20:12
hi guys and girls ...

... have read that docs etc are returned within days of the BRP

:yeahthat:'s usually the case ... but see posts below:

BRP's are being sent by DX courier and documents by royal mail... since its xmas time expect a massive delay by royal mail post. you'll get it eventually :)

British Residence Permits are proof of their holders' RIGHTS to stay, work or study in the United Kingdom.

Whilst I appreciate how frustrating :23_111_9[1]: the delay must be for you and Myrna, I'm also mindful of what the previous poster has suggested as being its most likely cause. Annoying though this is ... :iagree: with her reassurance that your wife's passport WILL be returned (hopefully, sooner rather than later) officially confirming Indefinite Leave to Remain has been approved. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:please: keep us updated!

stevie c
14th December 2012, 20:17
My wife submitted her biometrics on weds 12th December so I'm expecting a 4 month wait if its consistent like sparky's arriving after 4 months

17th December 2012, 01:18
just an update- the royal mail returned the package as undeliverable to the liverpool UKBA office- even the the BRP registered letter arrived no problems at all :doh

so have to go thru an about .... process to get them to resend FFS

Steve C- if its set M then roughly 2 months after the Biometrics are sent seems to be the waiting time

stevie c
17th December 2012, 18:00
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks for the info sparky yes it is set m.....2months it's quicker than we expected

18th December 2012, 12:34
Hi all,
My wife and myself are currently in the waiting room for the ILR, we submitted first documents oct 8th , then had received letter from ukba saying now in process,
had bio metrics done nov 17th odd?
now in reading this thread i see what a blooming shamble the ukba is and i am wishing i had paid the premium service, i have called the number to try to speak to a human being but complete waste of a call, just listen to a recording that is un hearable and there is nothing wrong with my hearing at all,

Can i ask if you mean 4 months from the first day you sent your first paper work sparky? as it has now been 2 months from that day for us, i was really hoping to get away in january, my wife has a very ill mother and has had 3 strokes , i not sure how long she will go on for, it really is a bind , and the ukba is just a complete fass ...
then i read this and they cannot even deliver your passports back correctly, what a shambles,
i am sick with stress and worry now!
hey stevie what time scale are you counting from? the time you sent first papers or from biometrics taken date?

anyone got a link to where i can see the time scale time tables?
thanks for reading my blurrrrr
cheers all lets hope its not long for all of us in waiting, and i hope you get your pasposrt back soon sparky, sounds like you have had a right drama

vernier caliper
18th December 2012, 13:59
anyone got a link to where i can see the time scale time tables?


Hope this helps.

18th December 2012, 14:21

Hope this helps.

Thanks, but it seems most there doing the same ILR did it by premium service, I am now kicking myself and think i should have done the same, but our problem is the distance to the place and we got 2 young kids with no one to look after them so it was not really an option....
dammm UKBA

19th December 2012, 22:51
for a set m ILR application it is around 2 months after you submit the biometrics that its processed- so you are looking at around middle of January on your timescale.
tho this isnt set instone it seems to be the case.
i spoke again with someone at the liverpool office (i assume ) yesterday and she was actually quite helpful- tho sounded foreign- said my passport and docs had been send on the 16th - a sunday- i said thats impossible as it was a sunday- she replied they are working weekends to try and catch up.

so in fact my docs were send in the post on monday- 2nd class recorded

so you pay £1000 for a .... service then they cant even send it 1st class post:doh

Arthur Little
19th December 2012, 23:39
so in fact my docs were send in the post on monday- 2nd class recorded

so you pay £1000 for a .... service then they cant even send it 1st class post:doh

:yeahthat:'s absolutely :censored: DIABOLICAL :furious3: ... especially at this time of year!

20th December 2012, 12:42
:yeahthat:'s absolutely :censored: DIABOLICAL :furious3: ... especially at this time of year!

I would like to say x2!

The ukba make me blooming sick!, I understand they got a job to do but it would be ideal if they actually got around to doing it!
Congrats to you sparky at least its finally done,
second class post,, what a joke

20th December 2012, 12:47
i spoke again with someone at the liverpool office (i assume ) yesterday and she was actually quite helpful- tho sounded foreign-

Can i ask how you got a number to call? i tryed some 0870 number thats all over there site and had some faint hearable message, 2 times was enough and the site just palms you off they dont want to talk to you at all....
For the fee paid i would of thought that at least some way of tracking your application would be feesable.

stevie c
20th December 2012, 17:45
Hi all,
My wife and myself are currently in the waiting room for the ILR, we submitted first documents oct 8th , then had received letter from ukba saying now in process,
had bio metrics done nov 17th odd?
now in reading this thread i see what a blooming shamble the ukba is and i am wishing i had paid the premium service, i have called the number to try to speak to a human being but complete waste of a call, just listen to a recording that is un hearable and there is nothing wrong with my hearing at all,

Can i ask if you mean 4 months from the first day you sent your first paper work sparky? as it has now been 2 months from that day for us, i was really hoping to get away in january, my wife has a very ill mother and has had 3 strokes , i not sure how long she will go on for, it really is a bind , and the ukba is just a complete fass ...
then i read this and they cannot even deliver your passports back correctly, what a shambles,
i am sick with stress and worry now!
hey stevie what time scale are you counting from? the time you sent first papers or from biometrics taken date?

anyone got a link to where i can see the time scale time tables?
thanks for reading my blurrrrr
cheers all lets hope its not long for all of us in waiting, and i hope you get your pasposrt back soon sparky, sounds like you have had a right drama

Hi alesypalsy we were hoping that my wife would receive her ILR biometrics card 2months from the time she applied for her ILR but it seems as in sparkys case it will be 2months from submitting her biometrics

What a shocking service this really is it seems they want your money ASAP then after that it is a dont care attitude :cwm23:

21st December 2012, 15:35
i spoke again with someone at the liverpool office (i assume ) yesterday and she was actually quite helpful- tho sounded foreign-

Can i ask how you got a number to call? i tryed some 0870 number thats all over there site and had some faint hearable message, 2 times was enough and the site just palms you off they dont want to talk to you at all....
For the fee paid i would of thought that at least some way of tracking your application would be feesable.[/QUOTE]

the number i used was 0870 606 7766

the best way is to press on the first option menu what you need then just keep letting it ring- they dont prescribe to the "business" view of answering before 3 rings tho so be patient