View Full Version : CNI appt advice

12th December 2012, 22:08
Hi there,
I'm landing in Manila on the 06/01/13 and am trying to make a CNI appt for the 7th. They advise contacting two weeks before but I'm getting no response to emails, even tried a recommended email address which responded and forwarded on to the same useless dept that won't respond !!!!

Help please ?

Many thanks in advance


12th December 2012, 22:10
So you havnt had a automated reply?

12th December 2012, 22:14
This is the address I sent my request to and they replied.


12th December 2012, 22:36
Same as mine marco.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2012, 10:01
I got a reply which suggested I organise my CNI in the uk which I have done but did not state in my email to them and then nothing. Have since sent a further 4 including one to a named person in the consular division who responded very prompt and forwarded my request on..... and since nothing. Am ringing tonight when I'm on night shift. I'll post my progress.
thanks for the replies.

13th December 2012, 12:35
I recently had cause to complain about them so emailed The Ambassador Stephen Lillee. I got a quick reply.

grahame 1
13th December 2012, 14:02
i applied to the address bigmarco said. Just this morning , and have recieved an automatic out of office reply stating they will reply to my appointment in 2/3 working days

15th December 2012, 22:31
This is my advice gleaned from my own experience. Forget their advice about applying two weeks before you travel, the sooner you apply the better.
Follow it up with a phone call, don't assume just because you got an automated reply they will respond anytime soon, they won't.
The phone call will get you the appt you wan't, sadly I left it too late for my phone call and got an unsuitable appt. If i'm lucky it will fit in with my plans if not I will have to travel again. (more expense)

Learn from my mistake !!!!!!!!!!!


16th December 2012, 11:16
I hope the outcome is good for you and everything turns out fine. On the day of my appointment they cancelled it because of a typhoon. I had to go back the next day. Luckily I had a couple of days spare.

16th December 2012, 21:49
I applied 9 months in advance! I got a reply 3 days later booked 09:30 2ndJuly 2013 ... if you need the link I will send it to you :)

24th December 2012, 05:51
Hi waytogo297, I'm mendoza82 husband here from UK, I'll make a appointment 2nd October 2012 for my CNL and go it but l;ll made it about 4 weeks before l;ll went there now I'm married. good luck 4 all