View Full Version : Zero hour contracts

15th December 2012, 21:56
I have heard quite a bit about this lately. Where did this come from?. Is it a ploy by the tories to get the figures down on the jobless?

15th December 2012, 22:09
Ems started her new job with zero hours, but you will be working anything from zero to 39 hours per week, i think its to do with no work no pay, but now she has contractable hours,of 27 hours per week plus lots of overtime,

15th December 2012, 22:10
Good for Em but personally I disagree with zero hour contracts.

15th December 2012, 22:12
yes we are lucky she has a job that she loves, this zero hours, means no work no pay no insurance and no tax, plus they can get rid of you just like that too

15th December 2012, 22:16
Exactly steve. Its just another perk for the buisnessman that does nothing for the workers. How can you have security on a zero hour contract?

Michael Parnham
16th December 2012, 12:45
If you don't mind the question Steve, What is Ems job at NHS? cos my Maritess has applied for Catering assistant at two local hospitals, not heard anything yet though!!

16th December 2012, 13:42
If you don't mind the question Steve, What is Ems job at NHS? cos my Maritess has applied for Catering assistant at two local hospitals, not heard anything yet though!!

good luck to Maritess :xxgrinning--00xx3:, its getting your foot in the door that counts, many NHS job are advertised internally so if she doesn't like the job she doing then move on and up.

my wife started out working part time for the vampire squad ( heamatology department) my misses and 2 others went around the clinics in our area taking blood from patients, thou my my misses had a medical degree and training the other 2 she worked with didn't they had gone on a internal short course, she did this part time for over 3yrs til she passed her board exams here in the UK, she had many good times, even thou it was only part time the pay was good. but she quit whenm she was offered a 3 month, yes 3 month job as a SHO in a hospital 50 miles away, they extended it another 3 months, and she stayed there 2 more yrs after that !

best of luck again, it can be a long but rewarding journey :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th December 2012, 14:06
zero hours contracts? nothing new.

didnt Burger King do it years ago?--unpaid kids in a back room behind the scenes waiting to be called out to work if needed--but not paid if they werent.

16th December 2012, 14:11
It should be banned.:cwm23:. Fat cat private buisinessmen. If they want workers they should be forced to provide a minimum 37.5 hour contract.

16th December 2012, 19:23
I am on 20hours contract but i am definitely working more than that,...I will definitely disagree with zero hours contract, NO ASSURANCE!! whats the point of having a contract:Erm:

16th December 2012, 19:25
yes we are lucky she has a job that she loves, this zero hours, means no work no pay no insurance and no tax, plus they can get rid of you just like that too

Yes its fine if shes on casual contract, but like what ive said no assurance...she can also say no to every work hours they made for her for her convenience.

16th December 2012, 21:15
we all can say no to the extra hours, but they are nice when you get the pay packet, plus i always say, say no to many times and someone else gets asked always

16th December 2012, 21:49
Zero hours also applies if you work as a Bank staff :NoNo: