View Full Version : Economic success makes Poland destination for immigrants

20th December 2012, 14:24
Poland is Europe's least multicultural society, but could be on the cusp of becoming a destination for a new wave of migrants.


20th December 2012, 16:12
Oh,that would be terrible if all of the illegals and the million or so poles or whatever the number is who are entrenched here suddenly upped sticks and moved en-masse to lubline or zakopane,I mean,how WOULD we cope after being told how good immigration(big difference between immigration and invasion)is for this tiny island of ours :icon_rolleyes:

20th December 2012, 16:37
My best mate is Polish...He was living happily in the UK for 15+ years until he found out about the Euro visa free zone.. He moved to Malaysia just after I escaped to the R.P as he "No longer felt special".
Lots of Brits living in Poland though since then...Or so I hear.
too bloody cold for me,although the Vodka is damned good quality so may pay a visit..

20th December 2012, 20:55
Ironic isn't it.

I'm thinking of getting in there early in Bangladesh. :Erm: