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21st December 2012, 17:21
The Labour Party gets tough on immigration, in policy as well as rhetoric

Dan Hodges 21/12/2012

Dan Hodges is a Blairite cuckoo in the Miliband nest. He has worked for the Labour Party, the GMB trade union and managed numerous independent political campaigns. He writes about Labour with tribal loyalty and without reservation.


Worth a read - here's a snip

Over the coming months Labour is going to try to seize control of the immigration debate, and reshape it. The plan is a simple one – to begin to draw a distinction between “good” and “bad” migration. The case will be made forcefully for the benefits of skilled migration: “Bringing more talented students from China or Brazil to learn at Britain’s top universities not only brings in substantial investment in the short term,” Cooper said yesterday, “it also helps Britain build cultural and economic links with the future leaders of the fastest growing economies on earth. In total foreign students bring in £8bn a year.”

But at the same time Labour will also be moving to recast itself as the hammer of the illegal immigration industry, the scourge of the people traffickers and the nemesis of the 21st-century white slavers. The message will be “The more illegal immigrants we deport, the more capacity we will have to bring skilled migrants into the country, and effectively integrate them.”

This might be the jolt Cameron needs to pull his finger out

stevie c
21st December 2012, 17:27
Time will tell

21st December 2012, 17:40
Of course it is all hollow words from Labour the immigration problems increased in each of their 13 wretched years in power - when did John Reid say about the Home Office not being fit for purpose? 2006 I think. He's also the half wit that predicted us leaving Afghanistan without a shot being fired. He's now on a good earner as a Board Director of hapless G4S on top of his House of Lords allowance - done very nicely for an ex Communist

22nd December 2012, 00:21
The Labour Party gets tough on immigration, in policy as well as rhetoric

Dan Hodges 21/12/2012

Dan Hodges is a Blairite cuckoo in the Miliband nest. He has worked for the Labour Party, the GMB trade union and managed numerous independent political campaigns. He writes about Labour with tribal loyalty and without reservation.


Worth a read - here's a snip

Over the coming months Labour is going to try to seize control of the immigration debate, and reshape it. The plan is a simple one – to begin to draw a distinction between “good” and “bad” migration. The case will be made forcefully for the benefits of skilled migration: “Bringing more talented students from China or Brazil to learn at Britain’s top universities not only brings in substantial investment in the short term,” Cooper said yesterday, “it also helps Britain build cultural and economic links with the future leaders of the fastest growing economies on earth. In total foreign students bring in £8bn a year.”

But at the same time Labour will also be moving to recast itself as the hammer of the illegal immigration industry, the scourge of the people traffickers and the nemesis of the 21st-century white slavers. The message will be “The more illegal immigrants we deport, the more capacity we will have to bring skilled migrants into the country, and effectively integrate them.”

This might be the jolt Cameron needs to pull his finger out

Interesting article.
I think UKIP are setting some of the agenda now and both Labour and Conservative are probably waking up to it.
It's ok to talk about deporting illegals it's another thing to actually do it. Personally I think Milliband made a :piss2:poor speech the other day, so how they can talk about seizing control of the immigration debate is beyond me.