View Full Version : (London) Underground Art

24th December 2012, 22:05
One for BigMarco

Underground art scene: Exhibition to celebrate 150 years of the Tube will feature incredible posters from each decade since 1908

Poster Art 150 will feature wall art seen in Underground stations from each decade since the early 1900s
The exhibition is the first of its type since 1963 and shows the changing art styles of the last 100 years
The 150 were chosen by a panel of experts from more than 3,000 in the London Transport Museum vault

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2251067/Underground-art-scene-Posters-decade-showcased-celebration-150-years-Tube.html#ixzz2G0PW04xH

Some good posters


24th December 2012, 22:39
Yeah I will pay a visit as it looks interesting and staff get free admission to the Transport museum.
They actually gave every member of staff a lovely big book last week commemorating 150 years of the tube. Must admit haven't had a chance to read it yet but will definitely read it in the new year.
Apologies in advance to anybody who wanted to venture into central London on Boxing Day but unfortunately there will be no service worth talking about due to industrial action by ASLEF. I agree with some of the demands being made but for me it's a question of time off not money. If they were deadly serious about resolving the dispute they'd get round the table instead of calling the third Boxing day strike in a row. Unfortunately it's a bad end to a good year for the Tube in terms of Industrial relations and all the good press we got for our efforts during the Olympics.