View Full Version : Neighbours

25th December 2012, 12:21
Don't you feel a pratt when your Mormon next door neighbour who you rarely speak to comes round with a nice ( and expensive) Christmas present. :cwm25:

25th December 2012, 12:23
Ha ha grahamw48embarrassed.com Quicky wrap up an old pair of socks and take em round:icon_lol:

25th December 2012, 12:47
They're going away on holiday...obviously it's my advance reward for keeping an eye on the place. :Erm:

Good thing I had some wrapping paper left over from a couple of years back, so will be able to pass it along to someone else. :biggrin:

25th December 2012, 13:11
I had to look up if Mormons celebrate Christmas (seems they do big time). Awful "stereotype" to lump some people into, but guess they get confused with a certain cult, who also walk the streets usually dressed very smartly.

Well that's nice of him. I got lynx shower gel from my manager, so now I can smell like a spotty 15 year old. Yay

25th December 2012, 14:15
I hope he's not trying to tell you something. :icon_lol:

Last year I got a Mormon bible thing from next door.

That went straight in the blinkin bin. :NoNo:

25th December 2012, 14:44
So what did he give you? the suspense is killing me :Erm:

25th December 2012, 15:26
His (Spanish) wife gave me a big box of Belgian choccies. :smile:

25th December 2012, 15:41
His (Spanish) wife gave me a big box of Belgian choccies. :smile:

Nice, I like the shell shaped ones.... make sure you check the 'sell by' date, maybe they were just clearing out and thought the old guy next door would eat them lol :icon_lol:

25th December 2012, 17:14
You could be right lol...but actually they're really nice people. :wink:

25th December 2012, 18:06
I hope he's not trying to tell you something. :icon_lol:

It's not impossible. The senior manager did give me a talking to a few months ago, that I ought to iron my shirts because I should take pride in my appearance. I said that what's the point as the creases drop out eventually after wearing the same shirt a couple of weeks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th December 2012, 18:09
Iron ? :Erm: