View Full Version : A Good New Year, To ONE AND ALL

Arthur Little
1st January 2013, 18:59
A Good New Year, to ONE and ALL
And MANY may you see,
And during all the years to come,
O' Happy May You Be.
And may you ne'er have cause to mourn,
To sigh ... or shed a tear,
To ONE and All - BOTH Great and small

Happy New Year, EVERYONE ...

... Cheers! :Beer:

South-east boy
1st January 2013, 19:48
Happy New Year Arthur! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Hope it's a good one for you!

1st January 2013, 20:32
Same to you and yours Arthur ! :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st January 2013, 20:35
Thanks Arthur and a very happy New Year to you and Myrna

stevie c
1st January 2013, 20:39
Many thanks Arthur & here's hoping that you & Myrna have a great new year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st January 2013, 20:40
Arthur, is that a home grown poetic greeting?

Anyways, all very best wishes to you and Myrna for a peaceful, happy and healthy 2013.

I hope everyone near and far will find the same. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

God Bless us all.

2nd January 2013, 06:45
Happy New Year everyone! :D

Doc Alan
2nd January 2013, 09:13
Happy New Year Arthur and Myrna, and to ALL members :smile:.

2nd January 2013, 09:55
Happy new year everyone.

2nd January 2013, 12:27
Happy New Year to you too Arthur and thanks for all the help and support you given us :)

Arthur Little
2nd January 2013, 12:59
Arthur, is that a home grown poetic greeting?

Alas, no :nono-1-1: ... I cannot claim the credit for this "anglicised" version of the original Scots compilation by [apparently] a P Livingstone, Edinburgh (1811) then - by all accounts - subsequently updated to Glaswegian parlance in 1859 by an Alexander Hume.

Anyways, all very best wishes to you and Myrna for a peaceful, happy and healthy 2013.

I hope everyone near and far will find the same. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

God Bless us all.

And the same to you, Carina and all our other friends everywhere, Peter. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd January 2013, 17:41
A Good New Year, to ONE and ALL
And MANY may you see,
And during all the years to come,
O' Happy May You Be.
And may you ne'er have cause to mourn,
To sigh ... or shed a tear,
To ONE and All - BOTH Great and small

Happy New Year, EVERYONE ...

... Cheers! :Beer:

thanks same to you ARthur and ATe Myrna:heartshape1:

Arthur Little
1st January 2014, 00:25
Another year has swiftly passed ...
Oh, my goodness ... how time flies!
Those twelve months have gone so fast :Bolt:
They've left me reeling in surprise.

And as this year draws to its close
With scarce two hours 'til midnight,
A time for reflection ... :anerikke: ... I suppose
Pondering if we "got it right"! :icon_rolleyes:

Let each of us forget the past
And move forward to the next,
That long may our friendships last,
E'en tho' our views be mixed!

... :yeahthat: !

Here's to good health & happiness in 2014!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, one and ALL! Cheers! :Beer:

1st January 2014, 13:02
Happy New Year to all my readers!.....oh he has logged off!

1st January 2014, 13:07
Happy New Year Arthur:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd January 2014, 01:51
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Well said Arthur.
happy new year.

Arthur Little
2nd January 2014, 06:16
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Well said Arthur.
happy new year.

Happy New Year to you and yours, Marco ... and many thanks for the *rep; as always, *it's very much appreciated. :xxgrinning--00xx3: