View Full Version : moving house

6th January 2013, 15:14
well tuesday is the day im moving from lapu lapu on mactan island to bacolod city to excape from the heat and pollution .we have bought a wee 2 bed semi bungalow brand new for less than a decent second hand car lol.120 square meters .I will send some reports and possible pictures once i get settled in see ya

6th January 2013, 15:18
hope it all goes well for the move,if i was there i would help too, be good to see the pictures later too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2013, 15:31
I wish you luck in Bacolod Tiger.. Doesn't look like you need it though!
Nice one!:wink:

6th January 2013, 16:21
thanks guys just glad to get out of this heat too hot for me ,its cooler in bacolod i,m looking forward to just using fans for a change ,living in an air con bedroom seems to be affecting my health .I wake up in the morning with blocked nose real dry mouth and sometimes headache it can,t be good for you lol

6th January 2013, 16:23
hope it all goes well for the move,if i was there i would help too, be good to see the pictures later too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

steve you will sweat ya tits off in bohol it was dam hot and sticky there too so make sure you get aircon lol

6th January 2013, 16:31
sweating because of the weather, i cant wait, last time that happened was a year ago, hang about that was in Bohol too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2013, 16:37
steve you will sweat ya tits off in bohol it was dam hot and sticky there too so make sure you get aircon lol

Not in my place mate...I live in a nipa hut... Trust me..Sweat free..
If you dont believe me come round and see how long it takes for your ice to melt in a Brandy.

6th January 2013, 16:48
sounds wonderful Fred:smile:

6th January 2013, 16:59
sounds wonderful Fred:smile:

It is Steve!
Saves a fortune on ice too!

6th January 2013, 17:56
Good luck Tiger it's always interesting to see what you're up to next

7th January 2013, 10:35
hey fred are you up in the hills inland ? It was damn hot in pangalo thats for sure but having the swimming pool virtually 10 feet from my cottage door helped lol

Arthur Little
7th January 2013, 20:13
:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... all the best for your removal tomorrow.

9th January 2013, 23:04
Bacolod have its high and lows of living atmosphere. Traffic can be tolerable. Its the city of smiles..You can escape the heat with nearest resorts and parks to enjoy.

Enjoy your stay and experience living in City of Smile.:smile::smile::smile:

9th January 2013, 23:18
Keep us posted Tiger. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree about the aircon, which I why I've never bothered with...plus the expense.
Any way you can cut down on electric there will save you a blinkin fortune.

I fancy building a Nipa Hut. Already built a shop for the ex, as well as loads of aviaries. Easy working with timber, and it's pretty cheap there too. :smile:

I even mounted the shop on big swivel wheels so I could push it about the place.

Before I came back here I sold it to my mate and he towed it down the street to his place behind his van. :laugher:

Ah, here it is....(The green thing on the right is one of the house gates. I used to push it up to the open gates during the day and then pull it back and shut the gates when she closed shop....like a Sari Sari, but selling dresses and stuff, as she was a seamstress).


10th January 2013, 05:00
hey fred are you up in the hills inland ? It was dam hot in pangalo thats for sure but having the swimming pool virtually 10 feet from my cottage door helped lol

No not up in the hills tiger!! For the last two weeks we have had a low pressure system and its been very cool for this area with overcast skies and rain..
About 3 years ago we had an El Nino and it was blazing hot with no rain for 3 months..
I took ages to design my nipa roof.. I couldn't make my mind up and wouldnt be rushed till I thought I had it right!!
Its quite a high roof with no insulation as the doubled nipa leaves really seem to keep heat out.. Both roof ends have an opening to release heat and create a bit of airflow..
The biggest heat killer is shade so we have 3 meter soffits that shade the walls all day long..
2 bedrooms have A/C which are both broken due to lack of use..(we never need them)
Leccy bill is usually 1800 a month which Im happy with..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th January 2013, 07:37
No not up in the hills tiger!! For the last two weeks we have had a low pressure system and its been very cool for this area with overcast skies and rain..
About 3 years ago we had an El Nino and it was blazing hot with no rain for 3 months..
I took ages to design my nipa roof.. I couldn't make my mind up and wouldnt be rushed till I thought I had it right!!
Its quite a high roof with no insulation as the doubled nipa leaves really seem to keep heat out.. Both roof ends have an opening to release heat and create a bit of airflow..
The biggest heat killer is shade so we have 3 meter soffits that shade the walls all day long..
2 bedrooms have A/C which are both broken due to lack of use..(we never need them)
Leccy bill is usually 1800 a month which Im happy with..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
saving this for my future build, and the electric bill, wow:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
10th January 2013, 09:07
Bacolod, very nice place, hope you enjoy your time there! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th January 2013, 12:08
latest update not quite moved in yet still at the bro n laws waiting for security grills to be fitted to windows before moving in.first 2 days here we got brownouts for about 6 hours .Then to our horror we have discovered a peodofile in gf,s family a 59 year old american boyfriend of gf,s sister ,hes been abusing her 12 year old daughter he also has previous conviction for same thing in the u.s .so not quite the start we were hoping for anyway we are hoping he,s gonna get arrested soon .

13th January 2013, 12:14
If the relations get him first he might be minus his testicles. :NoNo:

Make sure you can get out of those rooms with window grills...in case of fire and/or smoke.

I recommend you fit smoke alarms too, the ones that detect BOTH heat and smoke, after reading the report about the fire in Subic that killed 6 or 7 people including one British guy. The smoke killed them while they slept.

21st January 2013, 03:46
If the relations get him first he might be minus his testicles. :NoNo:

Make sure you can get out of those rooms with window grills...in case of fire and/or smoke.

I recommend you fit smoke alarms too, the ones that detect BOTH heat and smoke, after reading the report about the fire in Subic that killed 6 or 7 people including one British guy. The smoke killed them while they slept.well its only a bungalow and has doors at front and back so it is easy to escape ,The philippinos don,t have any concept about escaping from fires they are more interested in keeping theives out lol ive put up a bamboo fence up temp to secure the garden my chihuahua is patroling the grounds hahaha

21st January 2013, 10:38

Michael Parnham
21st January 2013, 12:53
Regarding the american, rather disturbing, cant someone make sure he gets arrested, I'm sure you know what I mean Tiger.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2013, 03:25
Regarding the american, rather disturbing, cant someone make sure he gets arrested, I'm sure you know what I mean Tiger.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
well ive been told to stay out of it and let the family deal with it,The latest info i got is that the girl has been interviewed at school and the other sister has been interviewed yesterday also.Its like everything else in the philippines it takes a long time to process ,it seems like they are pretending nothing happened and are carrying on as normal ,but its too late now as the wheels are in motion .iF she wanted to forgive him she should,nt have told other members of the family and kept quiet .The outcome will be that the girl will be taken into care ,and he will go to jail which is right .i,ll keep members upto date as things progress.

Michael Parnham
22nd January 2013, 13:17
Thank's for the info Tiger, hope it gets dealts with in a correct manner!:icon_rolleyes:

Arthur Little
22nd January 2013, 23:36
That surely helps :laugher:

:icon_rolleyes: ... odd sort of reply is it not? :Erm:

23rd January 2013, 01:18
:icon_rolleyes: ... odd sort of reply is it not? :Erm:

That is because Arthur, the poster of that comment came from Bulgaria not London as stated in their profile and was just about to spam us with her domestic cleaning business. So, now added to the spam-o-matic. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When will people learn:Erm:

Arthur Little
23rd January 2013, 01:48
That is because Arthur, the poster of that comment came from Bulgaria not London as stated in their profile and was just about to spam us with her domestic cleaning business. So, now added to the spam-o-matic. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When will people learn:Erm:

Aha ... thought so! :xxgrinning--00xx3: