View Full Version : Whats best to do ?

Mac M
6th January 2013, 19:27
i married a Filipina in 2008 (in the Philippines) then found out shortly afterwards she was already living with another man, i am in the process of trying to get a Divorce in the UK but i,m having trouble getting her to sign the paperwork, anyone else had this problem and if so what did you do ??? any help would be Fab, many thanks :Jump:

6th January 2013, 19:53
maybe possible if you can get some evidence, threaten you will report her for adultery if she will not sign.


Mac M
6th January 2013, 20:03
Thank you, we have both moved on and i have a new Pinay GF so maybe my wife can say the same about me also, i want to re marry but its hard work all this waiting, my wife rather an Anulment but i know this will take ages, maybe best to start to practise her signature lol:laugher:

6th January 2013, 20:09
if you lived with you g/f for 2yrs or more it might be possible to get an unmarried partner visa for her.

Mac M
6th January 2013, 20:16
we have been togeather for 20 months now, she lives in Manila and i,m still in the UK, i was hoping for a quick divorce then get the new gf a fiance visa , do you have any other suggestions ? thanks for the help

6th January 2013, 20:26
Hello Mac M,i am sorry to hear of your Problem,good luck in your Divorce,how much time have you left,i am sorry to say it will take time i have freind here who gave up in the end,after lots of money and have a new wife now but just live together as partners,not married here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2013, 20:28
If I was in your situation I would be tempted to offer money.
I divorced my first wife without the need for a solicitor. She simply agreed to sign everything on the basis that I paid all the expenses of the divorce which didn't come to a lot.
Money seems to talk in so many ways in the Philippines that I'd be surprised if you couldn't come to a sensible arrangement.
Failing that it's my understanding that if you've been apart for 5 years or more your entitled to a divorce whether she agrees or not. You must be close to that now.

Mac M
6th January 2013, 20:53
her new bf has more money than i could dream of lol, it sounds like you have been down the same road as me bigmarco ? i want to re,marry with my new gf as i can see she is a much better person, i could wait till October and that would be 5 years then divorce then apply for my gf,s visa, tourist visa would be out of the question i think and from what i,ve been told, thanks for the help

7th January 2013, 09:31
...... i could wait till October and that would be 5 years then divorce....

That would be the best option. No need for her to agree or sign anything.

8th January 2013, 08:45
If you only have to wait till October its not that long:xxgrinning--00xx3:
There is another route one of my friends took when his wife refused to sign the annulment papers even though it was her who was guilty of adultery.
The lawyer sent a package to her which she had to sign for. He then used that signature in court and the judge accepted it. Was a few years ago so not sure if it would work now.
Best of luck

8th January 2013, 11:58
The lawyer sent a package to her which she had to sign for. He then used that signature in court and the judge accepted it. Was a few years ago so not sure if it would work now.
Best of luck
some sneaky banks and finance companies have been known to do something similar here,

I've read that when some people have asked for a copy of their credit agreement, if they cant find it, they ask you to put it in writing that your requesting it and scan your signature and paste in onto an agreement !